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We found 220 articles

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game Opus I Card 1-179H, Leila.
Details of card 1-179H, Leila, for Opus I of the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game Opus I Card 1-178R, Leviathan.
Details of card 1-178R, Leviathan, for Opus I of the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game Opus I Card 1-177R, Yuna.
Details of card 1-177R, Yuna, for Opus I of the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game Opus I Card 1-176H, Yuna.
Details of card 1-176H, Yuna, for Opus I of the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game Opus I Card 1-175R, Yuj.
Details of card 1-175R, Yuj, for Opus I of the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game Opus I Card 1-174R, Yaag Rosch.
Details of card 1-174R, Yaag Rosch, for Opus I of the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game Opus I Card 1-173C, Mime.
Details of card 1-173C, Mime, for Opus I of the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game Opus I Card 1-172C, Moogle.
Details of card 1-172C, Moogle, for Opus I of the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game Opus I Card 1-171H, Minwu.
Details of card 1-171H, Minwu, for Opus I of the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game Opus I Card 1-170C, Fairy.
Details of card 1-170C, Fairy, for Opus I of the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game.

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