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Aloha Iroha

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Aloha Iroha is a four-panel comic series based on the events of Final Fantasy XI. The series follows Iroha, the main heroine of Final Fantasy XI's Rhapsodies of Vana'diel expansion story. The panels are drawn by Tomokichi, and the series was published in a total of 20 issues, with each issue containing 4 comic strips, on PlayOnline's Final Fantasy XI section between August 11, 2015 and December 15, 2015.

Issue 1: Published on August 11, 2015

Episode 1: Back to the East

Readers are introduced to the character Iroha. She is a young girl traveling on a boat from a dark and ruined future. As she travels, it becomes clear that she has no nautical direction skills. Luckily, she has a small talking orb that can help her navigate the sea.

Episode 2: Hunger Pang

A sea captain takes Iroha in and informs her that she would have starved if the group had not found her. They offer her something to eat, but Iroha denies the offer, insisting that she must find her lost friend. However, the allure of the food is too great, and she begins to eat.

Episode 3: FutureSpeak

Iroha is reunited with her master. The crew members are confused as to why this person is so important. Noting that she doesn't even have her sub job yet. Iroha is offended by these remarks and threatens to attack the sailors.

Episode 4: Doggy Bag

Iroha is transported away from the ship. As the crew stands in amazement, she pops back into their reality to take more food. The ship's crew are bewildered by these actions, but the Orb insists that the future of Vanadeil is at stake.

Issue 2: Published on August 21, 2015

Episode 5 Whatever Sticks

In this new realm, a group stands near a portal. A young woman wonders if this is the same dark vortex she has seen in her dreams. As she ponders this, Iroha is distracted by how scantily dressed the girl is. Remarking that she can almost see her Velcro panties. Suddenly, the girl is sucked into the black vortex.

Episode 6: Still Green

A giant monster comes out of the vortex and attacks the girl. The Orb tells Iroha that they need her help. Unfortunately, Iroha is not very brave and insists she doesn't feel well. She places all her faith in her master's ability to defeat the beast and save them all.

Episode 7: A Forewarning

The group defeats the monster and escapes the dark void. Zeid greets them on the other side. However, Iroha feels that Zeid is just there to steal their glory. This prompts Zeid to ask the master what she has told Iroha about him.

Episode 8: Glory Restored

The group hears a mystical bell in the distance. The bell entrances all who listen to it and causes them to dance uncontrollably. Iroha tells the master they must use this as an opportunity to show off their dancing skills, ultimately misunderstanding the danger that they are in.

Issue 3: Published on August 28, 2015

Episode 9 Killing Time

Iroha expresses that she wants the master to lead the timeline along its fated course, which will allow the Orb to grow stronger. The young girl asks about the dark lord, stating that she had seen him vanquished in a dream. Zeid offers his aid in destroying the dark lord, but Iroha implies that he is not up for the task.

Episode 10 Zeid The Unmoving

The mast defeats the Shadow Lord. When asked what happened, Zeid states that the crystal spoke to them. However, the Orb quickly points out that Zeid was tied up in a corner during the battle. Iroha declares that this proves Zeid's lack of battle prowess.

Episode 11: Into the Unknown

The group discovers strange reports coming in from the sea serpent Grotto. They decide to split up and investigate the rumors. However, Iroha quickly gets lost. The Orb gifts her a map, but she cannot use it effectively.

Episode 12: Still Unmoving

The group discovers a Siren. This creature is responsible for the mysterious bell noise they have been hearing. The group engages the monster but is no match for her song. Zeid becomes ensnared by the song and is unable to move.

Issue 4: Published on September 04, 2015

Episode 13: Enter Tenzen

Back at the ship, Yenzen introduces himself to the crew. He explains that he is looking for Iroha. The ship's crew explains that she has already left. The ship's captain tells Zeid that he should follow Yenzen. 

Episode 14: Enter Kagero

Kagero enters the ship with Tenzen. She remarks that the talking Orb must be an artifact from the Relsen Shrine. However, they are transported to another location before they can discuss the issue in detail.

Episode 15 Debilitation

The Orb finds Iroha inside Delkfutt's tower. She is cowering alone and afraid. However, when the Orb tries to comfort her, it discovers she isn't scared. She is just hungry and wants more rice balls.

Episode 16 Terror

The group meets up with Tenzen. As he introduces himself to the group, Iroha explains that she already knows him. She witnessed him die when the void appeared. The Orb comforts Tenzen, telling him that death is just one of the many possibilities that could have happened. 

Issue 5: Published on September 11, 2015

Episode 17: The Brightest Stars

Iroha asks her master if there is any update on contacting Lady Prishe. When Tenzen inquires who this is, Iroha states that she will join her master and increase the Orb's power. She also notes that it will be much stronger than the power that he was able to add to the group.

Episode 18: Reflex

The group meets with Lady Prishe. When she gets close to the Orb, it begins absorbing her power and growing incredibly bright. This reaction frightens Lady Prishe, so she strikes the Orb, knocking it away. The group asks her to try thinking before punching in the future.

Episode 19: Lost in Jeuno

The group has lost track of Iroha and assumes she has gone to one of the local food vendors to gorge herself on rice balls. Deciding that they are also hungry, they set off searching for her.

Episode 20: Priorities

When they find Iroha, she is bathed in light kneeling on the ground. She explains that someone has stolen the phoenix blessing from her. Although distraught by this, she notices that Lady Prishe has some pizza and demands to be given some as well.

Issue 6: Published on September 18, 2015

Episode 20: Fruitful Investigations

This panel is set thirty minutes before the group finds Iroha. Lady Prishe is excited to wander the streets of Jeuno. When she is reminded about Iroha's disappearance, she states that she will look for her at the market bridge.

Episode 21: Behind the Mask

Lady Prishe is approached by a man in a mask. Her response is to kick him in the face. Stating that her Pa always told her," You see a creepy guy in a mask, you kick him in the face." The masked man is revealed to be the evil future Ulmial.

Episode 22: Know Thy Iroha

After defeating the masked man, Lady Prishe and her companion stop to get pizza, making sure to get some for Iroha as well.

Episode 23: Know Thy Prishe

Iroha is satisfied with her pizza and vanishes. Tenzen and most of the group head off, searching for the masked man. However, Lady Prishe states that she has unfinished business here and will not be joining them. She heads off to spend her last two tickets on Maze Overlord.

Issue 7: Published on September 25, 205

Episode 24: Regrets

Iroha appears in her master's dream. She tells her master to stay on her path, and she will soon be at the third gate. She apologizes for failing her duties and laments that she will never be able to try the Shararat Tea House's world-famous desserts.

Episode 25: Nine to Nine

Tenzen runs into an old friend, Gessho, who is dressed as a large bird. Tenzen inquires if Gessho knows anything about the Astral Candescense. However, before Gessho can respond, they are beaten over the head. Their attacker drags them away and tells them to get back to work.

Episode 26: Labor Codes

Tenzen's only contract has failed, so he informs the rest of the group to join Salaheem's sentinels. When asked why he isn't joining, he tells the group he is not an adventurer. When pressed further, he admits that he is terrified of the group's leader.

Episode 27: New Blood

The Orb meets with Gessho and asks how they can join the group. Gessho explains that it will be difficult, but they will learn to enjoy the pain. Before he can say anything else, he is hit over the head and told to get to work.

Issue 8: Published on October 02, 2015

Episode 28: Settling In

Iroha appears in her master's dream again. She informs her not to underestimate Lady Aphmau as she is not a mere court entertainer. She explains Lady Aphumau's real identity before deciding that this information would be a spoiler.

Episode 29: The Empress Has Spoken

The group meets with Lady Aphumau. After inspecting the Orb, she takes the group to the Hall of Bidding to investigate the Astral Candescense.

Episode 30: Efficiency

The group finds and corners the masked man. Zeid stays behind the group and acts like he is sick to avoid battle.

Episode 31: Whispers in the Wind

The masked man escapes the group, but they are able to retrieve the Pheonix's blessing from him. They decide to take the wounded and regroup at the Shararat Teahouse. Aloha is distraught that they would go there knowing she cannot manifest herself in that area. However, only the Orb can hear her complaints.

Issue 9: Published on October 09, 2015

Episode 32: Finally Out of the Palace

The group heads to the Alzadsal Undersea in search of the masked ambassador.

Episode 33: New Feature

The group discovers an edifice related to the prime avatar, Alexander. The Orb takes the edifice and the Pheonix Blade and uses them to channel Alexander's voice.

Episode 34: Iroha Returns

Iroha returns to the group. She informs them that her master should focus on filling the Orb with power, not chasing after the ambassador. She then laments that she should have eaten more pizza before being transported away.

Episode 35: At Journey's End

As the group heads off, they ask if Iroha will join them. She insists that she would only be a burden to them and states that she must travel her own path for now. When asked where she is going, Iroha says she is heading to the Shararat Teahouse.

Issue 10: Published on October 16, 2015

Episode 36: Distract-A-Cat

Heading Alexander's advice, the group meets with Cait Sith. The mysterious figure assures them he is not a simple cat. However, his powers are not enough to help them on their journey.

Episode 37: Deep Time

The group travels back in time to the Shadowerign era and encounters Lilisette. They try to explain to her that they are from the future but that she is also from a different future. However, the complexities of time and interdimensional travel are too confusing for her to understand.

Episode 38: Confuse-A-Lilisette

Cait Sith appears to Lilisette in the form of an orb. He warns her that he has found his way into the Walk of Echoes. Lilisette is confused as to whether Cait Sith is a friend or foe. She blames the Orb for giving her confusing predictions of the future.

Episode 39: Training

Iroha is greeted in the woods by the prime avatar, Lady Siren. Iroha asks the prime avatar if she would aid her in her training. When the prime avatar agrees, Iroha asks her to fetch some pizza and breadsticks.

Issue 11: Published on October 23, 2015

Chapter 40: Neotenous Maws

Cait Sith and Lilisette discover the masked man attempting to steal Atomo's power. He is surrounded by Atomos in the fetal form.

Chapter 42: Lucky Drop

As Cait Sith and Lilisette watch the masked man interact with the portal, an ultra-rare sword drops into their world. Cait Sith quickly grabs the sword before the masked man can claim it.

Chapter 43: The Mask and The Man

The masked man gets away. The group notes that the masked man was not using the full extent of his power in their battle.

Chapter 44: O Monster, Where Art Thou

Iroha meditates, thinking of her master, hoping that she is doing well on her journey to fill the Orb with power. She is interrupted by the Lady Siren, who has returned with her pizza.

Issue 12: Published on October 30, 2015

Chapter 45: New Assignment

Iroha is finally reunited with the group and her master. She states that she is ready to continue her training. Her master instructs her to begin training in style. Iroha is confused and thinks her master is telling her to update her wardrobe.

Chapter 46: Basic Style Training

Iroha is prepared to start her new training regimen. She vows to engage in a rigorous diet and exercise regimen to achieve her goals. However, she breaks this vow when the Orb returns with a pack of spicy crackers.

Chapter 47: First Lesson

Iroha is ready to battle her master in combat training. She plans to use her full force against them. The Orb has to remind her that in this timeline, her master is still a fledgling adventurer.

Chapter 48: Pet Peeves

After the battle, Iroha informs her master that they have food on their face. The Orb quickly points out that Iroha always has food stuck to their face.

Issue 13: Published on November 06, 2015

Chapter 49: Commiserating

Iroha and Tenzen are reunited on the boat. When the boat captain remarks that Tenzen was supposed to be looking for Iroha the whole time, Tenzen laments that the area is too difficult to navigate. The boat captain offers to lead them to the Uggalepih Temple.

Chapter 50: Confidence

Heading the words of Grav'iton, the group arrives at the crystal to meet Seih'teus. They become lost in a dream world created by the crystal. Iroha notices that Tenzen is nowhere to be found.

Chapter 51: Initiative

Iroha and the rest of the group stumble upon a meeting between dark avatars. The Orb suggests that they listen in on their conversation for insights. However, Iroha insists that they charge forth and battle the group.

Chapter 52: Night Terrors

Tenzen is spit back into Iroha's reality. When asked what he saw in his dream realm, Tenzen explains that he witnessed endless rice balls being split into pieces. Iroha becomes irate that he received the excellent dream while she was stuck here.

Issue 14: Published on November 13, 2015

Chapter 53: Enter the Bushin

Back on the ship, the captain introduces the group to Master Atori-Tutor. He is known as Tenshodo's best fighter. The ship's captain has enlisted him to investigate the Escha phenomenon. Atori-Tutor instructs Zeid to come to him whenever he wants to overcome his limits. Zeid states that his only limitation is the lack of willing opponents.

Chapter 54: Exit the Bushin

Atori-Tutor prepares to leave the ship for his investigation. However, Zeid blocks his path, issuing a challenge to Atori-Tutor. Zeid is quickly defeated and left lying on the ground.

Chapter 55: Ninja Tactics

Iroha has left the group and headed into the vortex on her own. The group understands her willingness to prove herself but knows she will lose her fight against the masked ambassador. They head into the vortex after her with a satchel of rice balls to convince her to abandon her journey.

Chapter 56: Ninja Persuasion

Although she is valiant in her efforts, the group informs Iroha that she must stop her crusade. When she disagrees, the group reminds her that she is not permitted to die until she is granted permission by her master. Iroha relents and happily eats her rice balls.

Issue 15: Published on November 20, 2015

Chapter 57: The Good Doctor

The group rejoins the ship with the captain. Cait Sith informs them that they must seek out someone who has absolute dominion over magic. So, the group must head to Lady Shantotto's home and request her aid.

Chapter 58: Keen Senses

The group arrives at Lady Shantotto's residence and meets her group of scientists.

Chapter 59: An Orb is Fine Too

Luckily, Iroha did not go with the group. Lady Shantotto had planned to dissect the young girl in her lab. However, Lady Shantotto doesn't mind her absence. Instead, she turns her attention to the Orb, wondering how much pressure it would take to crack it.

Chapter 60: Splash Damage

Lady Shantott uses Koro-Moru's doll to determine that Tartarus is an energy source. They note that the doll is heading to the Misareaux coast.

Issue 16: Published on November 27, 2015

Chapter 61: Talking With Rocks

Iroha stands with Lord Seih’teus. The winged man explains to Iroha that since Balamor has been defeated, he can now work to form a new crystal. Although this process will destroy his body, his mind will continue to live on.

Chapter 62: The Galkan Ambassador

Iroha bears witness to the moment the emptiness is banned from the east. She is pleased to know that the future she fought so hard for is now secure. However, the masked man stands directly behind her stating that this will cause him to be given form.

Chapter 63: Unfinished Business

Back at the ship, the captain states that his best men are looking for Iroha.

Chapter 64: Unfinished Business

Unfortunately, the various people from the future all demand that the captain help them with their mission, while they wait on Iroha to return.

Issue 17: Published on December 04, 2015

Chapter 65: Semantics

The Orb and master locate Iroha. She is locked inside of a monolith located in Reisenjima.

Chapter 66: An Urgent Request

Iroha informs the Orb and master that she cannot leave the monolith until the local Narakas have been defeated. She also requests that they fetch her some rice balls with boiled bamboo shoots.

Chapter 67: One-Track Mind

Iroha tells the Orb to follow the map of the Reisenjima region. She remarks on how easy it is to follow, stating that all maps should be made this way.

Chapter 68: To Adulin!

Iroha notices that the master has been imbued with dark energy. She states that they must head to Adoulin in search of more power for the Orb. The fact that Adoulin is known for its outstanding desserts is unrelated to her need to visit the area.

Issue 18: Published on December 11, 105

Chapter 69: Fading Fast

The group catches up with the masked ambassador, but Iroha is quickly defeated. She states that her defeat may have something to do with the 14 Cinnabons she ate directly before the battle.

Chapter 70: Demotion

The group heads off in search of Balamor. They must find him and retrieve the light he has stolen from the Orb.

Chapter 71: Ultimate Weapon

The group finds Balamor, who explains that he cannot wield the power he has stolen from the Orb. The group exchanges the Founders King Orb for the Orb's light.

Chapter 72: Confectionery Slip

The Orb has regained power, and the group now knows the void's true form. They head to the Li'Telo region to learn more—not because they want to seek out its famous dessert section.

Issue 19: Published on December 18, 2015

Chapter 73: God Tier

After Ascending to the pantheon of light, the hero now faces Goddess Altana. She explains that the winds of time keep the darkness at bay.

Chapter 74: Neologism

The cloud of darkness had finally been beaten back. This victory has returned Iroha to her full strength. Our heroes excitedly plan to celebrate their accomplishments.

Chapter 75: Life Lessons

Now that the danger has passed, Iroha reflects on everything she has learned. She will never forget the taste of rice balls or pizza.

Chapter 76: Unfinished Business

Unfortunately, the cloud of darkness quickly returns. Iroha takes this as a sign that she is meant to enjoy more rice balls.

Issue 20: Published on December 25, 2015

Chapter 77: The Bombshell

The group meets with Lod Carbuncle, who confirms that the Prime Avatars will lend them their aid in the upcoming conflict.

Chapter 78: Strange Thoughts

With their new powers in tow, the group heads off to free Ihora from the cloud of darkness.

Chapter 79: Final Freeloader

The group reunites to fight and quell the darkness. Zeid even makes an appearance, even though no one invited him.

Chapter 80: Iroha Awakens

Iroha is freed from the Phoenix's embrace. As a result, she is imbued with god-like powers. Iroha is filled with energy, stating that she could die a thousand deaths and still come back fighting.

Chapter 81: Strange Thoughts 2

These new gifts have altered Iroha's appearance; she now has red hair. After defeating the Cloud of Darkness, she can now call her master's soul back from the crystal.

Chapter 82: Journey's Beginning

Now that Vana'diel is safe, Iroha begins to vanish from the era. She states that she will be born into the era in the near future and requests that her master bring her a basket of rice balls.

Chapter 83: First Meetings

Years later, Iroha travels with her father, Tenzen, to meet an old friend. When they arrive, the old friend hands Iroha a rice ball.

Chapter 84: Aloha Iroha

Tenzen asks the young Iroha what she is supposed to do when meeting a stranger. Iroha says, "Make me your disciple, master!" After being corrected by her father, she says" I'm Iroha. Nice to meet you."

This page written by: Cameron Mcfarland

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