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Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals' Full Story


200 years after the events of Final Fantasy 5, the planet R enjoys a healthy abundance of materials. The planet’s thriving life is sustained by four crystals. These crystals control the four basic elements of the Universe, earth, fire, wind, and water.

During this planet's history, it was once assaulted by dark forces. Luckily, the bravest of its inhabitants rose up and defeated the evil beings. However, this battle has been lost to history and is remembered only in stories.

Chapter of the Wind

A mysterious man watches over an ancient device. He states that his fears have come to fruition, and the planet’s life force is fading. He watches as fearsome storms rage on in the distance, showcasing what is in store if the balance isn't maintained.

At the royal palace in the kingdom of Tycoon, a blue mage watches the storm roll in with the princess. She asks him what the planet is trying to tell them but unfortunately, he doesn’t know. He tells the young woman the winds haven’t been this violent for a long time. After intently listening to the wind, he tells the princess that darkness is coming.

In a nearby village, a young girl argues with her grandfather, he tells the older man that he cannot venture out alone in this weather. He tells the child that he must go because darkness and oblivion are approaching the crystal. The girl asks her grandfather to let her go in his place, once again reminding him of his age.

This response outrages the old man. He states that he is the descendant of the courageous Butz and must act accordingly. He tells the boy that they must get to the temple of the wind and discover what is causing this darkness to spread across the land.

As Linaly and her grandfather travel down the river, they are spotted by a young boy named Pretz. When the boy asks where they are going, the grandfather lies and says they are going to the temple to gather herbs. Pretz states that it isn't safe for an old man and a girl to travel alone and insists that he come along to protect them. However, the grandfather dismisses the boy and continues to travel down the river.

Undeterred, Pretz jumps on a motorcycle and follows them. However, he doesn’t make it very far before crashing the bike into a ditch. When Linaly asks her grandfather why he would lie about their intentions, he explains that the crystal is very sensitive to outsiders and must remain protected from their influence. He tells her that the crystal may be their only hope in fighting off the darkness and they cannot be distracted by such a wild and chaotic kid.

As they walk through the desert, Linaly and her grandfather are attacked by a giant sand beast. Luckily, Linaly is able to call upon the Sacred Phantom Beast to protect them. However, the fearful pink bird that arrives does little in the way of protecting the two travelers. Just before they are killed by the beast, Pretz arrives and slaughters the monster, proving once and for all that they do need his services as a bodyguard.

Pretz then helps the group home so that the grandfather may rest. The grandfather apologizes to Linaly and tells her that she must continue the quest on her own. He promises to join her once his wounds are healed. Although Pretz has just saved both of their lives, the grandfather does not trust the young man and tells him to go back to his village.

However, just as with their last encounter, Pretz ignores the old man and follows behind Linaly on his motorcycle. As they travel, the two youngsters are attacked by a group of scantily dressed pirates led by a woman named Rogue. She tells the group to hand over the motorcycle and they will leave them alone. However, Pretz has no intention of giving up their only means of transportation and leads the pirates on a wild chase through the mountains.

Once they are free from the pirates, Linaly tells Pretz the truth about her mission. She retrieves a small crystal and uses it to call upon the forces of nature asking them to show her the way to the temple of the wind. Following their signs, the two head through the desert to reach the temple. However, they must first traverse the dreaded Valley of the Dragon.

Although the two are nearly destroyed by the ferocious winds there, Linaly calls upon the chosen one to protect them. As she does so a radiant golden light appears and stops the winds, allowing Linaly to travel safely to the temple.

Wanting to catch up to his friend, Pretz backtracks and commanders Rogue’s pirate ship by threatening to detonate a large number of bombs he has strapped to his chest. However, the pirate ship is too large to safely travel through the area and they crash into the side of the temple. Reunited, Pretz and Linaly enter the temple of the wind.

Although Rogue would like to follow the two into the temple and pilfer its treasure, she is forced to flee when she spots the Iron Wing quickly approaching the area. Riding atop the ship, the Iron Wing’s captain, Sir Balkus, is alarmed to see the wind in the area has stopped. He assumes that thieves are pilfering the temple and decides to wait outside for them

While he waits, Balkus is informed by his men that the kingdoms of Eastry, Walse, and KArnac have all had their crystals stolen recently. As a result, each kingdom has fallen into chaos and ruin. Although alarmed by the news, Balkus is grateful that he showed up in time to protect the last remaining crystal.

Back inside the temple, Pretz and Linaly have reached the Crystal of the Wind. However, when they finally grab the crystal, they are presented with a vision of mysterious beings telling them to please get them back. Although they are confused by this, Linaly does her duty and grabs the Crystal of the Wind.

Back at the Palace, the green wizard tells the princess that they must retrieve the sacred crystals and return them to their rightful resting place lest their Kingdoms fall into chaos. She asks who would do such a thing and why. After receiving no response, she states that they must do what they can to protect the Crystal of the Wind and their Kingdom.

After Linaly grabs the crystal, Pretz is alarmed to see it begin to float before inserting itself into Linaly’s body. Although he does his best to stop it, the crystal fully transports itself into the young girl's body. After getting her to his motorcycle, he tells Linaly not to panic. He is sure that once they arrive at the palace, the blue mage will be able to help her.

Chapter of Fire

As Pretz and Linaly flee the temple they are confronted by Balkus. He informs them that they will be placed under arrest for the desecration of their most sacred temple. He then instructs them to hand over the Crystal of the Wind. As this transpires, Rogue listens carefully via her spy gear. She is pleased to hear that such powerful loot is ripe for the picking.

As Balkus and Pretz battle for control of the crystal, Rogue uses the chaos to set a trap. She captures the group and informs them she will take them to her island where she will claim the crystal for herself. Once at the island, Rogue begins torturing Pretz for information. However, Pretz is stronger than she expects. Seeing that this is going nowhere, Rogue places her prisoners in a cell while she comes up with a better plan.

Inside their new home, Pretz notices that Linaly isn't feeling well. Worrying that she may be ill, he approaches his friend. However, when he approaches her, he is amazed to see the Crystal of the Wind manifest from her body. Along with the crystal, a young man named Mid appears. Seeing his confusion, Linaly explains that Mid is a great warrior and one of the few who battled the darkness and saved the four crystals.

After explaining who he is, Mid primes the crystal to return to Linaly’s body. Knowing she does not want this to happen, Pretz throws himself in front of her. However, this does nothing to stop the crystal. It simply travels through his body before being absorbed into Linaly.

Angered that he harmed his friend, Pretz throws a barrage of attacks at Mid. However, Mid is quick to remind him that he is a ghost. Therefore, nothing Pretz can do will harm him. Turning his attention back to Linaly, Mid explains the importance of the crystal and his mission. He tells the group that Deathgyunos are headed to the planet. Should they get their hands on the fourth and final crystal, their world will come to an end.

He tells Linaly that she is a descendant of the righteous warriors who stood against the darkness. As such, it falls to her to stop their plan once again. Although Pretz is hesitant to take on this burden, Linaly assures Mid that they will succeed no matter the cost.

Before they can devise a plan, Rogue arrives at the cell and asks if Linaly will hand over the crystal peacefully. Linaly refuses, stating that she doesn’t know how to remove the crystal from her body. Not seeing another way to the crystal, Rogue has her henchmen grab Linaly and prep her for surgery.

Worried that Rogue may actually follow through with her threat, the other group members work together to escape their cell. However, when Pretz breaks into the room where Linaly is being held, she finds her sitting at a table with a mysterious decanter in front of her. Rogue explains that she is having her drink prune juice, hoping the crystal will come out on its own.

Not wasting any time, Pretz grabs a nearby sword and takes out the pirates. He manages to grab Linaly and the two run for safety in the fray. Guided by Mid, the group arrives in a room full of explosives. Luckily, this room also contains a motorcycle the group can use to escape. However, even with the help of the motorcycle, the group becomes lost in the labyrinth of the island.

After circling the area for some time, the group rushes into a room hoping to find an exit. Unfortunately, the group finds themselves back in Rogue’s throne room. As the two factions argue, they are attacked by Deathgyunos. In an act of bravery, Pretz tells the robots that he has the crystal before riding off into the distance leading them away from his friends and enemies. Believing Pretz to be dead, the remaining people board Rogue’s ship and sail away from the island.

As they watch the island explode, Mid points to a jar floating in the water. He tells Linaly that her faithful servant is inside the Jar and is not harmed. Excited to see her friend, Linaly jumps from the ship to the waters below. As she swims, she is lifted into the air by her old friend Kisana.

Chapter of the Dragon

After boarding the Iron Wing, Balkus informs his men that Rogue and the others are to be treated as guests as they travel back to the capital to speak with the princess. After traveling a great distance, the group arrives at the city of Tycoon. Looking at the beautiful landscape, Linaly spots a large tower and is informed by Balkus men that it is the Tower of the Dragon.

Once inside, the group is introduced to the ruler of the land, Princess Lenna. She invites them into her chambers to discuss the calamity that has befallen the world. Now seated Mid, tells the group about his adventures and what happened 200 years ago.

He explains that his grandfather was the greatest scientist who ever lived. His inventions not only allowed the area to prosper but were also instrumental in stopping the dark forces that plagued the land. However, his grandfather paid the ultimate price for his effort and died shortly after the darkness was defeated.

Before leaving the mortal plane, Mid’s grandfather informed him that the crystals must be left alone. He regretted toying with their magic and taking the information he gathered with him to the afterlife. However, the leader of the Deathgyunos was not content to let the information pass so quickly.

He arrived at the grandfather’s grave and took his brain so that he could harvest the knowledge of the crystals. Mid did his best to stop the creature from desecrating his grandfather’s remains but was killed for his effort. Now his spirit is trapped in this realm until he can stop the Deathgyunos And protect his grandfather’s legacy.

He tells the group that he can still hear his grandfather’s voice coming from the Black Moon. Assuming that this is the Deathgyunos stronghold, the group gathers their supplies and heads out to investigate the Black Moon. However, their journey becomes more complicated than originally thought.

Although no ship has ever been able to travel to the black moon, the princess informs them there may be a different way. According to legend, a flying dragon resides underneath the temple. Should they awaken it, the creature may be able to take them to the Black Moon. Seeing no other options, Mid Linaly, and Pretz head into the underground temple in search of the dragon.

After working their way through the temple, Pretz is disappointed to learn that the dragon they have been searching for is just a baby. However, before they can determine much about the dragon, the leader of the Deathgyunos, Radevil, arrives. He tells the group that he has not come for them, he merely wants the girl and her crystal.

Luckily, Pretz throws an explosive device at the creature, momentarily stopping him from claiming his prize. However, it does not give the group enough time to escape. Radevil quickly returns and flies away with Linaly. Seeing Linaly fly away causes the baby dragon to go into a rage. As it does so, it grows immensely in size. The force of the transformation destroys the temple of the dragon and releases the guardian dragon into the world.

Chapter of the Stars

Aboard the Black Moon, Radevil is using the crystals to absorb the powers of the universe and channel it into his body, turning him into a god like being. Pretz and the others ride atop the dragon to save their friend but are struck by a bolt of lightning just before reaching the Black Moon. The damage inflicted upon the dragon forces it to return to its normal size, sending the group into a freefall towards the ground below.

Luckily, the group is able to regain their footing and use the imperial fleet to launch an air strike on the Black Moon. Unable to attack Radevil in the traditional sense, the group decides to ram the Iron Wings into him, destroying his body in the process. Pretz rushes through the rubble and finds Linally.

However, when he approaches the girl, she strikes out at him. Luckily, Mid appears and snaps Linaly out of her confusion. The group then reclaims the crystals and makes preparations to flee the area. Before they leave, Mid hears his grandfather's voice calling to him. After a moment of searching, he finds his grandfather’s brain.

Before they can truly reunite, Radevil appears in the distance. He tells the group that the power of the cosmos now runs through him, and such insignificant creatures cannot kill him. Mid does what he can to keep the beast at bay but is quickly defeated.

As they hide from Radevil, Pretz is surprised to see the crystal emerge from Linaly and place itself into him. Emboldened by his gift, Pretz unleashes a full frontal assault against the god but is quickly outmatched by his power.

In a last ditch effort, Linaly calls upon the powers of Earth to rise up and defeat Radevil. As she does so, a majestic blue light connects her with Pretz. This light unleashes a torrent of golden energy upon Radevil, causing him great pain. With the would be god defeated, Mid and his grandfather are able to cross over and rest in peace.

After saving the world, Linaly and her friends board the dragon and return to their simple lives back in the village.

This page written by: Cameron Mcfarland

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