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Final Fantasy VII Remake

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In the Sprawling Metropolis of Midgar, the brooding ex-Soldier Cloud Battles against the tyrannical Shinra Electric company. He joins a group of eco-terrorists called AVALANCE to stop the company from draining the planet’s life energy to power its advanced machinery.

Their mission is to stop Shinra from further exploiting the planet’s resources and save the world from ecological disaster. Along the way, AVALANCHE discovers a hidden conspiracy that threatens to end the world. Through battles, betrayals, and self-discovery, Cloud and his companions try to stop this newly discovered threat before it can annihilate them all.

Part one of a three-part series, the Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a stunning adaptation of the classic 1997 video game. This work in progress enhances the original story by expanding on the beloved characters and adds additional world-building to compliment the franchise's extensive lore. Part two has been released as Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth with part 3 in the works but no official name or release date has been announced.

Story Summary

In the city of Midgar, the eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE plans to stop the Shinra Electric Company from destroying the planet. They have enlisted Cloud Strife, a former Shina elite Soldier turned mercenary, to aid them in this goal. Led by Barret Wallace, the group plans to destroy Shinra’s Mako reactors to slow their destruction of the planet's resources.

However, the explosion from the Mako reactor causes massive damage to the surrounding city. This collateral damage causes the inhabitants of Midgar to resent the eco-terrorist group. The bomb maker, Jessie, feels terrible guilt for this and sets out to find new ways to limit the explosive range of her bombs.

Walking through the aftermath of the destruction, Cloud is haunted by his memories of Sephiroth, a legendary war hero from the Elite Soldier program. Reeling from the memories of his past, Cloud encounters a local flower girl named Aerith. Before the two can become acquainted, they are harassed by cloak-like figures who drive Aerith away.

When the members regroup, they decide to blow up another Mako reactor. Jessie has prepared for the encounter and has reduced the bomb's explosive radius. Cloud, Barret, and Tifa infiltrate the reactor and set a timed bomb before making their escape. However, they are soon surrounded by Shinra forces. The company's president explains that they have been pawns in his game to raise support for a war with the Wutai.

The group survives their encounter, but Cloud becomes separated in the fray. He later finds himself in a church with Aerith. They are interrupted once again by Shinra forces and quickly flee the church. As Cloud and Aerith head back to the Sector 7 Slums, they encounter Tifa, who is on a mission to learn more about Shinra’s Plans.

The three group members work to infiltrate a local crime lord's manor to gather information from him. Once Don Corneo is cornered, he informs the group that Shinra plans to eliminate AVALCNHE and their supporters by dropping a plate on the slums, killing everyone in the vicinity.

The group reunites with the other AVALANCHE members in the slums but are unable to stop Shinra from dropping the plate. Aerith is being hunted by Shinra's forces and agrees to leave with them if they take Barret's daughter, Marlene, to safety. Once AVALCNHE is sure of Marlene’s safety, they head to Shinra’s headquarters to rescue Aerith.

Along the way, they learn that Shinra believes Aerith is the last remaining Ancients and plans to use her to take them to the promised land. When they arrive, the group discovers that Shinra is involved in horrific Mako experiments and houses Jenova, Sephiroth's alien mother. The AVALANCHE members rescue Aerith from the Shinra scientist Hojo and free his experiment along the way. One of these experiments, Red XIII, joins the group as they flee the building. Red XIII explains to the group that the mysterious cloak-like figures are called whispers, and they act as harbingers of destiny.

Before the group can escape the facility, they witness Sephiroth stealing Jenova's headless body. The AVALANCHE members plan to escape the building by using a helicopter on the roof. However, before they can board the helicopter, Sephiroth kills the president of Shinra and flees.

Shinra’s new president, Rufus, arrives at the scene and destroys the AVALANCHE helicopter. Rufus attempts to kill Cloud but is defeated. The remaining AVALANCHE members descend the building and make their escape using stolen Shinra vehicles.

However, as they travel down the road, they find Sephiroth waiting for them. He opens a portal to another location and bids the group to follow him. When they enter, the AVALANCHE members are confronted by a god of fate who attempts to stop their efforts. After a long battle, the group defeats this god and unbinds the shackles of destiny.

Cloud once again attempts to fight Sephiroth but is easily defeated. Sephiroth asks Cloud to join him in his pursuits, but Cloud refuses him. Sephiroth leaves Cloud alive but warns him that time is running out. The remaining AVALANCHE members regroup and set off to discover what vile plans Sephiroth has in store for the planet.

This page written by: Cameron Mcfarland

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