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Final Fantasy XVI

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Clive Rosfield finds himself dishonored and working as a bound warrior. While at one time he was the prince of Rosaria, he now works as a mercenary for the empire that overthrew his kingdom. However, after being reunited with a childhood friend, he abandons his post and sets off to discover what happened all those years ago.

Working alongside his new companions, Clive works to unravel the complicated political scope of the Dominants and Bearers, people born with magical abilities used by their governments as tools of war or labor.

However, as they dig, Clive discovers he is central to a plot thousands of years in the making that threatens to destroy the world and humanity itself. Through trial and struggle, Clive works to overcome and save the world while trying to hold onto the sliver of humanity he still possesses.

Echoes of the Fallen DLC

After destroying the Mothercrystals, Clive is frustrated to hear that new Dusk Shards are spreading across the land. After investigating their source, they discover the shards were created by the Fallen in preparation for their fight with Ultima. Clive, Jill, and Joshua work together to destroy the source of the crystals and shut down this manufactured source of magic.

The Rising Tide DLC

As Clive prepares to make his last stand against Ultima, he receives a mysterious letter from an unknown ally. Upon meeting them, he is informed that another Dominant exists that has been trapped in time for over a century. As he, Jill, and Joshua work to free the Dominant, Clive learns that some cultures treat their Dominants more cruelly than he could have imagined.

Main Story Summary

Clive Rosfield was born into the royal family of Rosaria. However, he was not granted to boon of the Pheonix that would allow him to take the throne when he came of age. When it was discovered that his younger brother Joshua received the blessing, Clive swore an oath to protect his little brother until the moment of his death. However, their kingdom was betrayed by his mother and conquered by the Empire when he was but a teen. In this fray, his brother was killed by another Dominant of fire wielding the power of Ifrit.

When the smoke cleared, Clive was found unconscious in the rubble of his homeland. Seeing this, his mother delivered him to the Empire. Dooming him to spend the remainder of his life fighting the Empire's wars under threat of death. However, while tasked with killing the Ironbloods Dominant, Clive is reunited with his childhood friend, Jill. The two are saved by a mysterious man named Cid and head off to his Hideaway in search of shelter.

Once there, Cid explains that he is working as an outlaw and spends his time freeing Bearers and Dominants from their shackles. After discussing their vision for a new world, the three head off to destroy the Mothercrystals that absorb the planet's life force and allow their magical abilities.

As they search, they find information about a fire dominant in the region. Believing this to be the man who killed his brother, Clive and Cid head out to gather more information. While traveling they discover that the dominant is being held captive by a Dominant named Benedikta.

When she refuses to tell them where the man is being held, the three begin a battle to the death. After she is defeated, Clive steals her Dominant power, an action which shouldn’t be possible. After regrouping with Jill, the three head to the Mothercrystal and destroy it. However, doing so releases a being known as Ultima.

This being has come to claim Clive as its vessel, all the while referring to him as Mythos. Luckily, Cid is able to stun the creature but loses his life in the process. With his dying breath, Cid grants Clive his dominant powers and tells him to continue their fight for freedom. Before they can grieve the loss of their friend, Clive and Jill are assaulted by Ultima once more.

However, as Clive and Jill lay unconscious, Joshua arrives and traps the creature within himself, saving his brother and Jill from its torment. Elsewhere, Benedikta’s love, Hugo, hears of her death and swears revenge. His first step is destroying Cid’s hideaway and killing all of those who inhabit it.

Jill and Clive continue their mission of destroying the Mothercrystal and freeing the Bearers. Clive takes on Cid’s name and forms a new Hideaway while trying to determine the nature of Ultima. As they destroy the Mothercrystals, Clive gains the powers of more Dominants by defeating them in battle or by having them given to him by friends.

As the last Mothercrstal is destroyed, Clive and Joshua discover that Ultima is actually their god. He created humanity countless generations ago to find an escape from the blight that hindered his people. He plans to use Clive to cast a spell that will destroy the planet and start time anew. Clive and Joshua fight the creature with Joshua losing his life in the process.

Now armed with the power of every Dominant, Clive kills the would be god and absorbs its powers into himself. Knowing that he cannot contain this level of Power, Clive casts a spell that destroys Ultima’s work and removes magic from their realm. He then awakens on a beach, dying from the amount of energy expelled. He looks at the moon and wonders if his lover Jill can see its beauty too.

Many generations later, two young boys play outside. When one child is tasked with starting a fire, he laments that he does not have magical powers. His mother laughs and tells him that magic is only found in stories and is not real. Although it has taken time, Clive’s struggle pays off as the children get to live their lives in a world without magic or Dominants.

Echoes of the Fallen DLC Story Summary

 While preparing for his last stand against Ultima, Clive is made aware that a new form of crystals, known as Dusk Shards, are circulating the land. Together with Jill and Joshua, they set out to discover the origins of these new crystals.

Along the way, they find a group of merchants who have been peddling the crystals. However, they are hesitant to answer any questions regarding their origins. As Clive integrates them, a nearby tower comes to life and illuminates the sky. Joshua recognizes this as a Fallen relic and the group heads in to investigate.

While here, they discover that the Fallen had created their own Mothercrystal and were using it to create Dusk Shards by sapping the life force from the wildlife. The group fights off the tower's defenses and makes their way to the top where they discover that not only had the Fallen created a Mothercrystal but a Dominant as well.

The group destroys the manufactured dominant and Clive uses his powers as Ifrit to destroy the Mothercrystal causing the Dusk Shards to evaporate. No longer having a power source, the Fallen tower returns to its slumber, no longer posing a threat to those around it.

Having stopped this new threat, Clive and the others return to the Hideaway to prepare for their final battle with Ultima.

The Rising Tide DLC Story Summary

As Clive makes his preparations to fight Ultima, he receives a letter inviting him to the Viel to discuss a matter of grave importance. Once there, he is introduced to Shula, who tells him that there is a secret Dominant who has been magically trapped in time for over a century.

As Clive, Jill, and Joshua work to free the Dominant, they discover he is a newborn child who has been kept conscience in this frozen state for generations. Outraged by this, they work with Shula to break the spell.

Once broken, the spell releases the mighty Leviathan who becomes enraged and threatens to destroy the village for their crimes. Clive becomes Ifrit and fights off the monster. After defeating Leviathan, Clive absorbs its power, freeing the child from its bonds. Clive leaves the child in the hands of Shula, who promises to raise the boy as her own.

Equipped with new powers and allies, Clive and the others head back to the Hideaway to continue their assault against Ultima.

This page written by: Cameron Mcfarland

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