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Final Fantasy XVI Echoes of the Fallen Full Story

While preparing for his final battle with Ultima, it is brought to Clive’s attention that new crystals have been discovered. Karen shows Clive this crystal and expresses worry as nothing like it has been found in the region. Although they suspect that it has something to do with Ultima, they have no leads as to what it may be.

These Dusk Crystals are of an inferior quality but still allow the wielder to summon a small amount of magic for the user. Now that the Mothercrystals have been destroyed, these dusk crystals have flooded the market as one of the few remaining ways to use magic. As they discuss this, the ground begins to shake. Clive is alarmed by this as they have never felt a tremor this far inland before.

Meanwhile, in the Imperial fringes, three cloaked men dig away at a dusk shard mine. Their hard labor resulted in a small amount of usable shards. As they toil away, they feel a rumbling in the cavern and hear what sounds like a large beast somewhere nearby. Frightened by this, they drop their tools and flee the area.

Back at the hideout, Clive searches for answers regarding the nature of the dusk crystals. After gathering Jill and Joshua, the group heads off to seek answers from Harpocrates. The wizened man informs them that he believes that the fallen created these crystals before their war with Ultima. Harpocrates explains that before the war, the fallen created terrible weapons called Eikonoklastes, which they believed would be powerful enough to kill the gods. He believes that Ultima’s magic has awakened these forgotten tools.

Clive and the others head to Port Isolde in hopes of speaking with the merchants who sell the dusk shards. As they near the city, the group sees the fleeing miners being pursued by the town's guards. After speaking to the guard, the group decides to chase after the fleeing miners in hopes of learning more about the shards.

After dealing with some disgruntled customers, the group catches up with the merchants in the swamp. However, before they can integrate them, Clive is attacked by a massive Akashic, giving the traders time to flee once more. After the battle, Clive inquires about a nearby tower that has illuminated the dark sky. Joshua states that he knows little about the structure other than that it has been referred to as the Sagespire. The group decides that the merchants must have infiltrated this fallen construct and mined their dusk crystals from its depths.

When they approach the structure, they discover goblins who have repurposed fallen relics into weapons. Although these creatures would not normally provide a challenge, the group is hindered by their inability to use magic within the field of the blight. After killing the goblins, Joshua discovers an opening to the tower. The group heads inside, weary of what is lurking in this ancient relic.

Once inside, the group is assaulted by a forgotten security system left by the fallen. Luckily, the area seems to be immune to the power of the blight, allowing the group to use their magic freely. As they progress, the group discovers dusk crystals lying about in large numbers. They soon discover the merchants being attacked by a large security mech left by the fallen.

While they battle the security mech, the spire initiates a sterilization lockdown, moving the fabricated Mothercrystal to another location within the relic. After defeating the mech, the group talks with the merchant leader. He tells Clive his people have been coming to this spire for centuries. After their discussion, Clive sends the merchants back to Martha’s Rest while he and the others search for the manufactured Mothercrystal.

As they search through the ruins, they discover a variety of beasts kept frozen in magical chambers. While reading logs left behind by the fallen, the group learns these animals were used in the creation of the dusk crystal. The fallen would drain their living tissue to fabricate their new source of magic.

However, these experiments did not end with the production of crystals. Clive and the others realize when some of the genetically modified beasts are released upon them as yet another security measure. Arriving at the tower’s core, the group is confronted by the Fallen’s manufactured Eikon, Omega.

After a brutal battle, Clive strikes a final blow on Omega, releasing the Mothercrystal so that they may destroy it. However, before he can destroy it, the merchant enters the room and asks him to stay his blade. He explains that his people were one of the first to fall to the blight and without these crystals, they may face destruction.

Clive is sympathetic to their plight but explains that these crystals are the cause of the blight. Even if they could be used responsibly, the Empire will soon learn of their location and kill the villagers to access the last remaining stores of magic. Although heartbroken, the merchant agrees and watches as Clive destroys the one thing his people hold dear.

After destroying the Mothercrystal, the group watches as the remaining dusk shards turn to ash. No longer powered by Aether, the tower returns to its slumber, no longer a threat to the surrounding communities.

Back at the Hideaway, Clive tells Harpocrates what took place at the tower. Although they are amazed by what they witnessed, Clive suddenly feels a pit of doubt forming. He explains that they have the same goal as the fallen but lack their knowledge and war machine.

Harpocrates points out that while this is partially true, he does not believe they share the same goal. Clive agrees stating that they do not wish to become gods, they simply want their freedom. Equipped with more knowledge and resolve, the group readies their preparation for their final stand with Ultima.

This page written by: Cameron Mcfarland

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