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The main story of Final Fantasy XVI

Chapter One: Leaving Home

In the dead of night, The mighty Pheonix battles against the Behemoth. Although the Phoenix fights valiantly, it is ultimately destroyed by the Behemoth. A young man stares into a campfire, recalling the events that transpired that day. As he ponders this, his sergeant, Tiamat, approaches. He addresses the small band of assassins and reminds them of their mission.

Tiamat tells the group their target will be Shiva’s dominant, no one else. When one of the other assassins asks how they received this info. Tiamat reminds him that their unit is to follow orders, not question their validity. The young man reaches up and touches the brand that has been placed on his cheek. A constant reminder of his station in life.

As they leave, a young man named Biasts puts out the campfire using ice magic from his hand. As the young man stares into the empty horizon, his sergeant tells him to focus. Telling Wyvern he will be crucial to the success of their mission. The four men march forward to a cliff edge where they witness a brutal battle taking place on the landscape below.

The armies of Dhalmekia and the Iron Kingdom have met in the battlefield and each group sustaining heavy casualties. Inside the Zirnirta Stronghold, the Dhalmek leaders hold a meeting with Barnabas Tharmr, the king of Waloed. They request that he honor his word and help them to defeat the Iron Kingdom.

However, King Tharmr has little interest in helping the cause. He allows Benedikta Harman to speak for him, telling the Dhalmekia council to have faith in their own men to complete this task. She instructs Eugen Havel to use the country's Dominant to end this strife.

Marshal Havel objects, stating that the Iron Bloods have their own Dominant now. Underestimating them could lead to disaster for the city. Hearing this, Hugo Kupka rises from behind him. He forces the marshal to sit in his chair, intimidating him with his massive presence. He unilaterally decides that as the city’s dominant, he will take to the battlefield and handle the Iron Bloods.

Outside the chambers, Benedikta approaches Havel, giving him a romantic embrace. She asks him to be careful on the battlefield. Havel chuckles, telling her he isn't afraid of a little frost, but will require her to warm him up when he gets home.

Wyvern continues to monitor the battlefield with his fellow assassins. They decide to infiltrate the battlefield. Hoping that the chaos of war will conceal their presence. However, as they approach the battlefield, their path is blocked as a Titan unearths itself from the canyon. As the Titan enters the battlefield, so does Shiva. These two godlike creatures engage in battle, causing heavy casualties on both armies.

Wyvern and his assassins continue their way to the battle but are caught in the fury of the two gods' dispute. Wyvern avoids a boulder at the last moment, but Biast is not so lucky. The poor soul is crushed instantly under the enormous weight of the stone. Gravely injured, Wyvern is carried away from the debris by Tiamat. All the while calling at to his dead brother as his vision slowly fades to black.

Chapter Two: Family Matters

While passed out, Wyvern recalls an earlier time in his life. Thirteen years ago, in the year 860, Wyvern finds himself back in his homeland. Before being called Wyvern, he was known as Clive Rosfield, the first Shield of Rosaria, protector of his brother, Joshua Rosfield. Joshua is the Dominant of the Phoenix and the warden of fire.

During this time, Clive was being trained by Lord Commander Rodney Murdoch, while Joshua and Jill Warrick, a former princess of the north, watched on. Utilizing the lessons he has been taught, Clive is able to bring the commander down. Victorious but out of energy, Clive falls to his knees outside of the arena.

Seeing this, Joshua uses his healing magic to help his brother. Now recovered, Clive tells his brother that he is simply tired, and that the young boy should not waste his gifts on such frivolities. Joshua tries to protest but enters a coughing fit, cementing Clive's point. As they discuss this, the group is visited by their mother, Anabella Rosfield, who chastises Joshua for being outside while he has an illness.

Although she clearly cares deeply for the young boy, it is apparent that she does not feel the same for her older son Clive. As Anabella leaves, the local guardsmen can be heard discussing her coldness with her son. They state that it is not Clive's fault that he was not born with the gift of the Phoenix.

Clive joins his family along with the rest of the city in welcoming his father, the Archduke of Rosaria, Elwin Rosfield, home. In their short discussion, Elwin tells Clive to meet him in the throne room later. He informs him that war is coming and that they will need to make preparations.

As he heads to the throne room, Clive sees an injured man carrying a box of apples. This distraught looking individual carries the same facial brand that Clive will wear later in his life. When he tries to conversate with the man, Clive is surprised by a slave master who objects and tells him that this low life should not be in the presence of royalty. He reminds Clive that the bearer is treated far more kindly in his kingdom than those in the surrounding area. Still, Clive implies that a man should not be treated so poorly for the status of his birth before wishing them a good day and continuing to his father.

When Clive enters the throne room, he receives a heartfelt welcome from his father. He tells Clive he can stop licking his boots since his mother isn’t around. Elwin informs Clive that his expedition to the north did not bear any fruit, as most of the territories have fallen to the blight. Now, it will only be a matter of time until it reaches their border.

As the city is already filled with refugees fleeing the areas. Their only option is to move against the Iron Kingdom and secure Drake’s Breath for the Dutchy. If they don’t succeed in receiving a blessing from the Mothercrystal, they are doomed to fail. Tomorrow, they will ride to the Phoenix gate to receive the words of their ancestors, as tradition dictates.

Clive asks if he will be joining his father. Elwin tells him that there is something he would have him do first. This prompts Lord Murdoch to approach Clive, telling him to head to the Stillwind Marshes to clear the Beastmen from the area. Murdoch offers two good men to accompany him, telling him to join the other at Pheonix gate once they are done. After this conversation, Elwin calls him to his side and reminds him that this may be a good opportunity to prove his mother wrong about his ability to protect his brother.

That evening, Anabella approaches Elwin to discuss their plans for the morning. She asks that he not take Joshua on their journey as he is frail with sickness. Elwin explains that as much as he would like to, they cannot perform the rituals without the Dominant of the Phoenix. He tells Anabella that Joshua is air to the throne and that she must stop coddling him.

To offer some comfort, he reminds her that Clive will be there to watch over Elwin but Anabella scoffs at this. Stating that the Pheinix rejected Clive and that is no more than a normal man. In her mind, Clive is a failure that does not deserve to be a part of their family.

Elwin reminds her that he is also just a man. His role in this family is merely a placeholder until Joshua comes of age and claims the throne. Sensing her mistake, Anabella pushes Elwin onto the bed, telling him that his noble blood gives him every right to sit on the throne. However, this provides Elwin with no comfort, he rejects her advances and reminds her that without men like Clive, their precious blood would be adorning a street gutter. Telling her he has an early start; Elwin rolls over and goes to sleep.

Jill finds Clive sitting on the ramparts gazing at the stars. She asks if he will be joining the other tomorrow and he replies that it is his duty as Shield of the Phoenix. However, there is reason to celebrate, he has been given his first command by his father. Hearing this, Jill prays to Metia, the burning red star, for his protection in the battle.

As she does so, a single tear falls down her face. Seeing that the girl is frightened by the prospect of war, Clive goes to put a hand on her shoulder. However, he thinks better of the idea and tells the former princess she should head inside for the evening. After their almost romantic moment, Jill bids Clive goodnight and heads inside.

After his father leaves, Clive is joined by two Knights to aid him on his journey. Sir Wade and Sir Tyler introduce themselves and tell Clive it will be an honor to serve alongside him. Once in the marshes, Clive and the knights hunt down the Goblins living in the swamp. They make their way to the old village of Stillwind, noting that there isn't much left to explore now that the blight has taken control of the lands.

As they chase down the leader of the Blight, the goblin is eaten by a Morbal that rises from a lake. After a fierce battle, the knights of Rosaria discuss what they have seen, noting that a Morbal has never been seen this far south. They then head to the Phoenix gate to meet the others and regale them with the tale of the dreaded Morbal.

Sitting at the royal table, Elwin and Joshua discuss the nature of the young boy's gift. Joshua states that it doesn’t seem fair that the Phoenix only grants power to those in his bloodline. His father comforts him by stating that he has been blessed by the Dominant and must use his powers to protect the people of his realm. The gift of the Eikon is his sacred charge that he must see to fruition. Elwin joins the camp as they break into song, giving Joshua time to slip away into the night.

He finds his brother outside and asks why he isn't at the feast. Clive explains that feats are the only time Shield bearers are allowed to be at ease. On top of that, he has never had a taste for cakes and ale. Joshua tells Clive that he doesn’t care for the vegetable, causing his brother to laugh.

Joshua says that he heard about Clive’s valiant battle with the Morbal, congratulating him on the victory. Clive explains that he has to be good with a sword or it would add to the long list of failures he has delivered to the family. He tells Joshua that the people place their faith in him, and he is jealous of that admiration.

Joshua corrects him stating that they put their faith in the Dominant, not him. The whole thing makes him angry. He tells Clive that it isn’t fair, the blessing should have been granted to him. He fears that he doesn’t have the strength to lead their people through this crisis. Clive tells Joshua that it is his duty to lead their people, just as it is his duty to protect his brother. Joshua nods and bids his brother farewell, heading off to bed.

However, he is quickly awoken by the sounds of battle outside of his tent. Wade enters the room and informs him that an enemy has infiltrated the camp and has set much of it ablaze. Using the power of the Phoenix, Joshua battles his way through the intruders, saving those that he can. As they battle, Wade notes that the men are wearing Sanbrequis armor. This armor set belongs to their ally, the Holy Empire of Sanbreque.

Clive breaks down the door, bursting into the room. He is happy to see that his brother is safe and rushes in to embrace him. They soon reunite with Elwin and Lord Murdoch and discuss what to do next. Once outside, Elwin sends a messenger owl to Rosalith, warning them of what happened. Clive tells Joshua that he will remain here to keep their enemies at bay while the boy and his father flee.

Lord Murdoch accompanies Clive back to the battle at hand where they are confronted by a dragoon from the Holy Empire. After defeating the Dragoon, Lord Murdoch discovers a note on the corpse that indicates that the enemies have been inside Rosalith all along. Knowing that their kingdom is in danger, Clive and Murdoch summon their horses and head back to Rosalith. However, before Clive can leave, he sees a cloaked man who whispers something inaudible to him. But before he can investigate, the cloaked man disappears.

Back at the castle, Joshua and Elwyn have been betrayed by their countrymen. To ensure that no one knows what transpired, the men attempt to kill the king and his son. As they reach for Joshua, Elwyn leaps forward to protect his son. However, he is quickly overpowered, becoming decapitated in the process. His blood splatters over Joshua's face, sending the child into a frenzy.

Young Joshua remembers his charge to protect his homeland and activates his Phoenix blessing. Being driven by emotion, Joshua fully becomes a fiery Pheonix, spreading fire and destruction on all in his path. However, the child has not learned to master this form and destroys his enemies and those most loyal to him in the process.

As Clive rushes to save him, his trusty Chocobo, Ambrosia pushes him out of harm's way, being struck by a boulder in the process. Clive once again approaches his brother but is overcome with a terrible pain that drops him to his knees. As he looks around, Clive sees another mysterious man. Only instead of a cloak, this figure is completely engulfed in flames.

Suddenly, a massive pillar of fire shoots from the ground releasing the mammoth Ifrit. Lord Murdoch cannot believe what he sees, stating that two fire Eikons can't exist at one time. However, his disbelief doesn’t matter as he is quickly consumed by Ifrit’s flames.

Ifrit then turns to battle the Phoenix. Frightened, Joshua rises into the sky before dive bombing the massive creature. The two Eikons fall to the depths below. Embraced in battle, they arrive in the sacred Apodytery. Although Joshua fights valiantly, Ifrit shows his dominance once they return to the surface, ripping the boy limb from limb, and killing him.

Clive watches in terror as his brother is beaten to death before his eyes. He yells to Infrit in vain, begging for the creature to stop. Distraught, he screams to the sky and swears vengeance on those who have wrought this upon his family.

The following morning, Soldiers from Sanbreque survey what remains after the battle, killing any that still live. The captain offers Anabella his condolences for what happened to Joshua, saying it couldn’t be helped. Now that she has lost the only thing she cared for in this world, Anabella hopes that the Emperor of Sanbreque has a place for her in his kingdom.

Amongst the rubble, the Sanbreque captain finds Clive, badly hurt but not dead. When he asks Annabella what should be done with the boy, she says to kill him. However, she is reminded of what her husband would often say about the boy and states that he should become a soldier instead. As they leave, the soldiers kill Annabella’s handmaidens, ensuring that no one will live to tell how the Queen betrayed her country.

Chapter Three: Something Old, Something New

When he awakes, Wyvern is greeted by Tiamat. Aevis arrives and informs the group that the Ironblood troops have sounded the retreat after receiving heavy losses. Tiamat says that it's time to move, reminding the group that if they return without Shiva’s head, they will face a fate worse than death. Kicking a sword to Wyvern, Tiamat says that a death on the battlefield would be better than what will happen if they fail.

Approaching the Ironblood troops, the group sees the Dominant being taken away in chains. The Ironblood's cruel treatment of their Domina reflects their belief in those who wield magic. They refer to her as an abomination and state that they are born out of the blackest sin.

As the assassins head down to fight the Ironbloods, a warrior threatens to kill an innocent child to spur Shiva’s Dominant into action. When it fails to work, he kicks her a sword and tells her to help fight off the assassins. Praying for death, the Dominant rises and begins to fight.

As they battle, Wyvern knocks the Dominant unconscious. As she lays on the ground he goes for the killing blow. However, he stops when he sees the young woman's face. As his memories come flooding back, he recognizes her as the Jill he once knew back in Rosaria. Aevis raises his sword to kill the girl but is killed by an Ironblood axe.

Wyvern and Tiamat quickly kill the Ironblood soldiers. However, now that the battle is over, Tiamat demands that Wyvern kill the girl. When he refuses, they engage in a battle to the death. As they fight, Tiamat reminds Wyvern of all he has done for him, stating that he is betraying the Holy Empire. Wyvern states that he never pledged allegiance to the empire, he was taken as a captive by his enemies.

As he kills Tiamat, Wyvern reclaims his identity as Clive Rosefield. Unfortunately, as the battle concludes, more Ironblood soldiers arrive. Knowing he cannot win, Clive covers Jill with his body and waits for death. However, moments before they strike, lighting fills the sky striking and killing many of the Ironblood soldiers.

Appearing from the smoke is Torgal, Clive’s faithful childhood hound. Along with the hound, a mysterious man enters the scene and tells Clive to follow him. Seeing no other option, Clive lifts Jill and follows the strange man. When they stop to rest, Clive sets Jill down and is in awe to be reunited with his childhood friends.

After spending a moment with Torgal, the man who saved them reappears. Cid reveals that he knows who Wyvern is, referring to him as Clive Rosfield. Sensing his apprehension, Cid tells him not to worry, he didn’t travel all the way out here for him.

However, he did find it worthwhile to track down the girl. When Clive pulls out his sword to protect Jill, Cid laughs and states he is simply taking her to a warm bed. He motions for his large friend to pick up Kill and carry her to their destination. Not wanting to let Jill out of his sight, Clive accompanies the two strangers to their destination.

The hideout is located in the deadlands of the central storm. This area has been ravaged by the blight. As such, there is no wildlife, plants, or magic. However, this means there are also very few people. This allows them to hide in the last place people would be willing to venture.

Reaching the Sanctuary, Clive is amazed to see a thriving community. He asks Cid how they are able to survive without magic. Cid shrugs and tells him that hard work and determination often does the trick. He even shows Clive an apple that they have managed to grow in the deadlands.

Jill is given to Tarja, a physicker, who tells the large man, Goetz, to take her to the healing area. Cid then invites Clive to visit him in the Solar, so they may discuss the next course of action.

Once in the Solar, Cid tells Clive that he knows about Clive’s mission to kill the Dominant. Clenching his fist, Clive states that he didn’t know it was Jill. Cid disregards Clive’s comment and continues. Informing him that killing his captain and making a run for it was a foolish plan. As escaping the wrath of the Empire is no easy feat. Handing him some wine, Cud remarks that he has fallen a long way from his days as a Lord.

When Clive asks what Cid plans to do with Jill, he seems confused. Cid restates the question and says they don’t have a plan for Jill, her life is her own. He sympathizes with the Branded and Dominants, so he plans to help them. However, the Empire does not approve of these actions. Which is why his merry band of fighters lives in a cave in the middle of the deadlands.

He nods to Clive and asks if he will help them with this endeavor. Starring into his wine, Clive says that he believes Cid will do right by Jill. However, until he achieves his vengeance, he must walk his own path. Seeing the look of confusion on Cid’s face, Clive explains what happened to his brother.

Cid remarks that he had heard a rumor about two Eikons of fire fighting thirteen years ago but believed it to be a rumor. He tells Clive that this only solidifies why he should help him. His scouts have heard rumors about a group of Branded escapees in the north. One of whom is supposedly a fire Dominant.

Chapter Four: The Cost of Power

Hearing this, Clive agrees to accompany Cid to investigate the rumor but insists it does not mean he will join their cause. After gathering supplies, Cid, Clive, and Torgal travel through the Greatwood. As Clive complains about the blood flies, Cid reminds him that they are outlaws. Because of this, taking the easier routes to Lostwing is not an option.

As they travel, they happen upon a monstrous beast, Fanir. After a grueling battle, Clive believes that he has bested the monster. However, the massive creature refuses to stay down. Out of options, Cid rushes in, telling Clive to stay back before becoming semi primed, revealing himself to be the Dominant of the Eikon Ramuh.

He smites the creature with thunder but is wounded in the process, causing him to cough up a fit of blood. Stunned by this revelation, Clive asks Cid why he is helping Dominants and Bearers. To which Cid replies that he wants to offer their kind a choice to live and die on their own terms. He wants a world in which people blessed with these powers will no longer be treated as abominations or tools of war.

As they venture deeper into the woods, they spot a royal scout running through the area. Deciding he could prove useful, the two men decide to follow him. The scout leads them to a small clearing in the woods where Benedikta is integrating a local man about the whereabouts of any Bearers in the area.

The man quickly betrays his countrymen and is rewarded with a quick death for his efforts. Cid tells Clive that Benedikta is the Commander of Waloed’s Elite Intellgence. He states that capturing the woman may help their cause. However, before he can finish his plan, the group is spotted by the remaining forces.

After defeating the troops, the two men arrive in Lostwing, a small village built around an ancient Fallen airship. They investigate the town in search of Cid’s scout, Gave. As he searches, Clive finds a small child who tells him that her family is locked in a nearby building. Here, they find Cid’s scout along with the rest of the captives.

They set the men free but Gav informs the men that Royalists from Waloed just came through the village, taking some men with them. Before they can gather more information, a Royalist sees them and runs off into the distance. Aware that he is likely heading to report them to Benedikta, Clive runs after him.

However, he does not catch the scout in time, leading Clive directly into Benedikta’s camp. Based on the marking on his face, Benedikta believes that Clive is an Imperial Branded. Not viewing him as a threat, she summons the Egis, Chirada, a monster born of Benedikta’s power as the Eikon Garuda, the warden of the wind, to finish him off.

After defeating her conjuration, Benedikta compliments Clive on his fighting prowess. As she does so, Cid enters the area, causing Benedikta to chuckle to herself. She asks Cid if this is how he gathers all of his recruits. To which Cid responds, that he doesn’t remember her complaining about his tactics.

Benedikta had served under Cid before he rejected the kingdom. At one time, Cid served as the Lord High Commander before he grew tired of the reigning king. As they talk, another soldier arrives in the clearing, telling Benedikta that they have secured another dominant. Frustrated by this direction, she uses magic to distract the two men before disappearing from the area.

Frustrated by this loss, Clive goes to run after her but is stopped by Cid. Since they don’t know where she is headed, Cid believes they should head back to the town to gather information. As they head back to the village, he sends Gav out into the woods to get a lead on Benedikta.

Inside Caer Noverent, an Imperial tower, Benedikta interrogates a mysterious man. She reminds him of how he killed the Phoenix with ease but now sits like a stone. She promises that if he joins their ranks, he will receive the respect that his kind deserves. She draws a sword, threatening to kill the woman in the room if he does not comply.

After gathering information about the Imperials in town, Cid and Clive prepare to head to Caer Noverent. However, before they leave, Cid introduces Clive to Quinten, a local tavern owner. He informs Clive that he is sympathetic to their cause and is the person in charge of the area.

Quinten tells Clive that his face marking will make his journey more difficult than it already is, as people are unlikely to give the time to a Bearer. He gives Clive the Seal of the Hanged Man, which will loosen the tongues of those loyal to Lostwing. He uses the token on the townspeople to learn more about the Dominant of Fire that killed his brother.

He learns that the Dominant is a cloaked man who travels with a female escort. Both of which were recently carried away by the Royalists. Cid believes that the Dominant is holding back his powers to protect his female escort. The two men spend the night in town and prepare to head off in the morning.

Arriving at Carr Noverent, Clive notices an entry point under an old bridge leading into the fort. Before they head in, Cid warns Clive not to underestimate Benedikta and her power. Noting that a battle with her is one that the young man is unlikely to walk away from.

Standing on the ramparts, Benedikta stares at her pendant and recalls her time spent with Barnabas. He tells her his vision of the new world. One in which the Dominants are untied under his rule. Benedikta states that this new order may have already been achieved had Cid not betrayed him.

This comment frustrates Barnabas, who recalls that when she first entered his order, it was Cid’s hand that Benedikta held not his own. Fearing his wrath, Benedikta coddles the ruler, telling him that she will only ever need his hand to guide her.

Her memory is soon interrupted by Gerulf, who informs her that one of the sentries has gone missing. She tells him to use the remaining men to lure Cid and Clive into the chapel. Once they are trapped, she will deal with the intruders.

Once inside the chapel, Cid and Clive are greeted by Benedikta. She tells Cid that she has been waiting for him to come after her. He asks her where the Dominant is being held but Benedikta informs him that he belongs to the Waloed now.

She asks Cid to join her cause once again, telling him of the world they could build together. Cid laughs at this request, telling her that he wants no part in the world her King plans to build. He prefers his own vision for the world, one in which their kind are free.

He tries to explain to Benedikta that Barnabas is merely using her as a tool. This comment enrages Benedikta. She states that Cid knows nothing about her or what she wants. Cid agrees, stating that he did once, but not anymore.

Done with the conversation, Benedikta becomes semi primal, causing Cid to do so in Kind. The two then engage in a fierce battle. However, their battle is short lived as the young Benedikta quickly overpowers Cid, toppling a large statue onto his body.

Benedikta leaves the area, telling her Chirada to finish off Clive. After slaying the beasts, Clive rushes over to Cid to offer what assistance he can. Badly hurt, Cid tells Clive to retrieve the Dominant before Benedikta reaches him, reminding him to hurry as she has wings and he doesn’t. Cid stays behind to catch his breath as Clive heads off to find the Dominant.

Clive finds Benedikta on top of the tower. As he approaches, she reflects that she expected more from the old man. However, she is impressed by Clive’s battle prowess, noting that this is the second time he has bested her conjurations.

She asks Clive why a man of such talents would cast his lot with a group of lesser beings. She offers Clive a place by her side but Clive refuses. He tells her that if she will hand over the Dominant, he will leave her in peace.

She chuckles at this remark, telling him that he is a fool for making demands of her. Clive draws his sword and strikes but is no match for Benedikta’s speed. As they battle, Clive manages to gain the upper hand for a moment, disarming Benedikta. However, it is a short lived victory, as Benedikta goes semi primal, easily overpowering Clive.

However, alongside Torgal, Clive is able to best the Dominat, bringing her to her knees. Confused and angered, Benedikta slams her fists into the ground, stating that a mere Branded should not have survived the encounter, let alone win.

Cid rounds the corner and tells Benedikta that Clive won because he was fighting for something he believed in. She screams at him to shut up, commenting that he should be dead. Clive draws his sword and tells her to stop playing games and tell him where the Dominant is.

However, as he approaches her, a green essence flows out of Benedikta and into his hands. Once he absorbs the essence, Clive falls to the group in agony. As Cid goes to check on his friend, explosions can be seen at the entry point to the fortress.

Attempting to use the distraction to her benefit, Benedikta uses her powers to finish off the intruders. However, as she thrusts out her hand, nothing happens. Confused by this, she tries to go semi primal, but the goddess will not come.

When Clive arises, he feels the power of the wind goddess flowing through him. Seeing this, Benedikta screams at him to give Garuda back to her. Distraught by this, Benedikta falls to her knees and weeps.

As more destruction occurs to the keep, one of her guardsmen lifts Benedikta and carries her to her safety. Stunned, Cid asks Clive how he managed to steal her power, but he has no answer. Noting that the tower is close to collapsing, the two warriors flee the area.

Once outside, the warriors encounter Gav, who offers to show them the way out. Once safe, Cid thanks Gav for leading the Bearers to safety. Making the assumption that the Dominant escaped and is the cause of the fires, Gav offers to hunt him down for the group. Clive and Cid thank him for his efforts as Gav marches off into the woods.

Elsewhere, Beneditka is distraught over the loss of her powers. When her guard tries to comfort her she explains that Barnabus will have her exiled like all the others he deems worthless. As she continues to bemoan her fate, flying axes appear from the woods, killing her guards one by one.

Alone and terrified, Benedikta stares down a group of men who intend to sell her to a slaver. However, they intend to evaluate her worth before bringing her to her new master. As they abduct her, Benedikta recalls when Cid saved her from a previous fate.

She asks herself if this is her punishment for not listening to Cid. In her emotionally charged state, she screams to the heavens that the entire world deserves to die. Screaming it to the heavens over and over again.

As she does so, a horrible wind storm envelopes the area, knocking her would be masters away. Her hatred causes her to enter the fully primed state of Garuda as a monstrous tornado forms around her.

Clive and Cid see the tornado further into the woods. As this happens, Clive hears the mysterious voice in his mind, saying the word Mythos over and over. As the wind knocks them back, Cid states that she has drawn in too much aether, and she will not be able to control this form.

Believing that the voice in his head is calling him to the center of the storm, Clive rushes forward to stop the tornado. Against his better judgment, Cid follows the young man, telling him that just because he hears a voice it doesn’t mean he has to listen.

Once inside the storm, Clive once again sees the cloaked figure from 13 years ago. Separated from the rest of the group by a piece of debris, Clive runs after the man he believes killed his brother.

He chases the cloaked figure to the end of a cliff, ready to obtain his vengeance. However, the cloaked man disappears as Gruda swoops down from the sky. Clive manages to hold his own against the creature for a time. Eventually, the monster grows tired of his game and grabs the young man in her claws.

Even while captured in the Eikon's grasp, Clive refuses to yield telling the goddess that she is simply a monster who will not stop him from achieving his goals. As he screams in defiance, he hears the mysterious voice once again.

However, the voice is more clear in its intent this time, calling Clive a child of fate and instructing him to awaken the power of Ifrit. As he does so, a pillar of fire erupts in the sky transforming Clive into the powerful fire Eikon, Ifrit.

In this new form, Clive is able to defeat the mighty Gruda. As Cid watches on, he realizes that Clive cannot control this powerful being, so he shouts at him to stop. When he realizes that this effort is in vain, he transforms into Rumah, striking Clive down with a single bolt of lightning.

As Cid evaluates Clive's body for damage, he tells the young man that the monster he has been searching for was inside him all along. Cid then turns his attention to Benedikta, finding her corpse in a nearby crater.

Distraught Cid asks Benedikta why she did this, stating that this couldn’t have been what she wanted. He takes the pendant he gave her all of those years ago and places it on her chest before leaving his friend’s corpse lying in the pit.

Chapter Five: Revelation

Sometime later, The Holy Empire of Sanbreque engages in war with the Royalists of Waloed. King Barnabas, fully Primed as Odin, the warden of darkness, invades the land of the Holy Empire. On the opposite side of the battlefield is Prince Dion Lesage of Sanbreque. The prince meets Barnabas head on, transforming himself into Bahamut, the warden of light.

The two engage in battle, killing many of their own soldiers in the process. However, as the two are equally matched, no headway is gained on either side. Dion returns to his camp to hear word of the capital.

Here, Sir Terrence, second in command of the Dragoons, brings him what news they have. He tells the prince that there have been saboteurs in the capital. Although the king is protected, all resources will be diverted to the city guards. Prince Dion agrees with this assessment and states that he will take care of the enemies on the battlefield.

When Clive awakens, he finds himself naked and chained to a wall in a cell. As he reflects on what happened, he comes to understand that he was the Dominant he had been looking for all along. That somehow, he was the one that killed Joshua all those years ago.

When Cid enters the cell, Clive begs him to kill him, screaming that he is a monster who deserves death for the pain that he has caused. Unable to calm the man down, Cid punches Clive in the face, knocking him into the wall.

With Clive collapsed on the floor, Cid tells him that as long as he is alive, he should make himself useful. He then unlocks his chains before telling him to get dressed and to meet him outside. Following his instructions, Clive gathers himself and puts on some clothes. Once outside, Cid tells Clive that Gav has picked up the scent of the fire dominant. Clive agrees to go with Cid to learn more about the mysterious figure.

The two head to the Kingsfall in Sanbreque to meet with Gav. However, as they approach the location, Cid hears an Imperial hunting whistle. Worried their friend is in danger, the two split up to search for Gav.

As he travels, Clive sees Gav being hunted by Imperial soldiers. He fights the soldiers off but is slowed by the appearance of an Imperial Dragoon. Luckily, Cid arrives just in time to help him even the odds. After defeating the Dragoon, the two catch up to Gav, who is about to be pushed off a cliff by the soldiers. Luckily, Clive arrives just in time to save his friend from certain death.

As they patch up Gav, he thanks them for their help. He informs them that he found information on the man they were looking for. The fire Dominant and his female escort are on their way to Clive's place of birth, Rosaria.

Clive remarks that this is a waste of time, noting that he is the fire Dominant. Cid agrees that Clive is a Fire Dominant but points out that they have seen this mysterious figure utilize fire magic as well. He says they need to find out who the man is. If he killed Clive’s brother they would kill him, if it was Clive who killed his brother, he should kill himself. Either way, the mystery will be resolved.

Resting beneath a tree, the mysterious man and his escort discuss their plans. The man says they are running out of time but his escort states they are only a day or two from their destination. With fire burning in his hand, he mutters that he must be stopped before lowering his hood revealing himself to be Joshua, Clive's Brother.

Back at the hideout, Clive and the others are greeted by Tarja, who informs them that Jill is awake. Clive rushes to her and the two childhood friends are reunited once again. After this embrace, Clive asks Jill how she came to be a prisoner of the Ironbloods.

Wearily, she explains that after the events at the Phoenix gate, there was no one to protect the citizens of Rosaria. As such, the Ironbloods captured all of the women and slaughtered the men. Once they discovered she was a Dominant, they offered her a choice. Fight for them or watch all of the women from her kingdom perish.

It being Clive’s turn to share, he explains to her what happened at Phoenix Gate and how he murdered his brother. Jill states that this isn't possible. Not only is it impossible for there to be two Eikons of Fire but Clive would never harm Joshua. She suggests that they head back to Phoenix Gate to discover what really happened that fateful day.

Chapter Six: Going Home

Once in Rosaria, Clive and Jill seek out the local Landlady. Prior to leaving, Gav had informed them that she was sympathetic to their cause and could offer assistance. When they speak to the landlady, Martha, she tells them to take the road through Eastpool to reach Pheonix Gate.

However, the bridge on the road has recently collapsed and the carpenter in charge of fixing it has collapsed. If they want to take this route, they will need to find the carpenter and repair the bridge.

They find the carpenter under a nearby bridge, swarmed by creatures. After defeating the monsters and saving his life, he thanks them and heads off to finish fixing the bridge. Giving the carpenter time to finish his work, the two head back to speak with Martha.

While they chat, Martha explains that the Empire has been confiscating all the Bearers in the area. She notes that while bearers were never treated well in the area, under the new rule, they are treated as less than human.

As if to prove this point, the group overhears a local woman discussing the birth of her new baby. When asked why she doesn’t have it with her, she explains that it was a bearer. Because of this, she dropped the newborn off at the garrison for the government to deal with. Instead of being met with shock and horror, the townsfolk act as though abandoning the child was the correct thing to do.

Stating that she wants them to see how bad things have gotten, Martha asks Clive to take a donation to Glaidmond Abbey while they wait for the bridge to be finished. Arriving at the chapel, they are greeted by the abbot, who informs them that the church is closed.

However, when they explain they have a donation from Martha, he sighs before letting them into the building. Once inside, he introduces them to the Bearers Martha has placed in his charge. Each person slowly dying from the Bearer's curse.

He explains that each time a Bearer draws on Aether, their bodies become petrified until they slowly turn to stone. His job is to make them as comfortable as he can for the short time they have left in this world.

Back at Martha’s Inn, the two explain what they witnessed at the Abby. Martha states that she buys the Bearers that are beyond mending and tries to offer them some peace before they die. It is all the help that she can offer in this cruel world. Before the two head off, Martha offers them the Slumbering Chocobo Seal that will let those who are sympathetic to their cause know who they are.

Outside the Inn, the two explorers run into Cid who is loading supplies onto a cart. Clive notices that Cid’s arm is partially petrified but Cid tells him not to worry about it. He tells Clive that he is not a monster, if he is willing to accept this fact, he may be able to escape his fate. Although Clive is confused by this declaration, he thanks Cid. Gathering his gear, Cid tells Jill to take care of Clive before riding back to the lookout.

Upon reaching Eastpool, the two are stopped by a woman named Hanna, Rodney Murdoch’s Wife. Clive is ecstatic to see the old friend and Lady Hanna begins sobbing, now knowing that they didn’t die in the tragedy 13 years ago. She begs them to come visit her in her home. The two travelers happily agree and head back with her to learn more about the region.

Lady Hanna explains what has happened since they have been gone. She explains that Anabella’s marriage to the Emperor of Sanbreque brought a great many changes. One notable change is that civilians are no longer permitted in the capital.

Hearing this, Clive asks if his mother would not make an exception for Hanna and her husband the Knight Commander. Hanna informs Clive that her husband died that night at Phoenix Gate. Clive is taken aback by this, recalling how the Knight Commander was killed by his flames when he transformed.

Before they leave, Hanna gifts Clive some of his father's clothes. She tells the young man that he looks just as his father did at his age. Clive thanks her for everything she has done for them and the two continue on their journey. As they venture forth, Clive is recognized by the Mayor of Eastpool.

Although Clive tries to deny his royal blood, the mayor is not fooled. He tells Clive that even if he wasn’t wearing his father's clothes, it would be easy to spot the prince in his homeland. He invites the two to come see Clive’s old Bearers. The mayor has kept them since the tragedy, noting that he didn’t want to turn them over to the cruel order of the Empire.

They find one of Clive’s’ elderly Bearers being attacked by the local wildlife. After saving him, they discover that the old man has become delirious with age. He mistakes Clive for his father and tells him he has waited many years for the Archduke to return. After some prodding, Jill convinces Clive to humor the old man and offer him some comfort.

The old man is ecstatic to see his master and asks if they will be returning to the castle. Clive tells him not yet, as he has to embark on a very important mission. The old man understands and wishes him safe travels, happy to see his master again, if only for a moment.

The mayor thanks the two travelers for their kindness. He tells them that the town does its best to take care of the Bearers but if something doesn’t change soon, they will no longer have the resources to feed the lost servants. Clive informs the Mayor that his friend Cid may be able to take them in as refugees and promises to inquire further when he returns from Pheonix gate. The mayor thanks them for their assistance as the two head off on their investigation.

Arriving at Pheonix gate, the two travelers are surprised to see the ruins have not changed since Clive was last here. As they explore Torgal catches sight of the hooded man entering a nearby building. Clive rushes forward, abandoning caution, and chases the figure into a dark, abandoned building.

Inside, Jill asks Clive what the man may be doing here. Clive explains that this is the Hall to the Gate. Seeing her confusion, he elaborates that the Phoenix Gate is a fallen Relic. One in which only the Phoenix’s Dominant can open. This is the door that Joshua was meant to open on the night of his death.

Deciding that the man must have entered the door somehow, Clive uses the blessing of the Phoenix to open the door and enter the holy chambers. However, as Clive is not the Pheonixs Dominant, the group encounters Fallen mechanical warriors who attempt to block their path. After fighting their way through the temple, they come across a strange mural featuring some kind of god.

While inspecting the mural, Clive enters a strange trance in which time becomes paused. In this state, he encounters the hooded figure. However, when the figure lowers their hood, it is revealed to be Clive himself. He is then transported to a land of fire and lava. Clive quickly realizes that he is back at Pheonix gate watching his brother being torn apart once again.

Clive younger self arrives to remind him of his duty and the fact that he is responsible for his brother's death. Clive vows that no matter how terrible the truth that awaits him, he will no longer turn a blind eye to what transpired that day, hoping this acknowledgment will allow Joshua’s soul to finally be able to rest in peace.

Finally accepting that he is the Dominant of Ifrit, Clive now has a new purpose in life. He will unravel the mystery of why he was given the duty of harboring the destructive force of Ifrit. Now, he will set off to atone for the crimes that he inflicted upon his family all of those years ago.

Meanwhile, in Castle Dazbog in Dhalmekia, Hugo Kupka is presented with a box containing Benedikta’s body. Enraged he asks who dared send this to him. sheepishly, his servant informs him that the box was sent by Cid. This information only serves to feed Kupka’s rage further. He swears vengeance upon Cid and promises to destroy all that he has built.

As Jill and Clive return to Eastpool, they discover the village has been set ablaze. The people of the town have been brutally murdered by Empress Annabelle’s soldiers. After discovering the town was harboring Bearers, Clive’s mother ordered that the entire town be wiped off the map for their crimes.

Cid sent a team to aid the helpless townspeople but they arrived too late to offer any protection. After explaining his mother's hatred for the Bearers, Clive and Jill join Cid’s cause, vowing to never let something like this happen again. However, as the group leaves to return to the hideout, they are unknowingly followed by one of Lord Kupka’s scouts.

Chapter Seven: The Cost of Freedom

Back at the hideout, Jill and Clive chat with Cid. He asks Cid about the world he wants to build. One in which people can die on their own terms. He tells Cid that they should take this a step further and create a world where people can live how they choose regardless of the circumstances of their birth.

Sometime earlier in Oriflamme, the Imperial capital, the Cardinals sit at a large table discussing the empire’s troubles. There is much discussion about the blight and how it has impacted the food stores in the region. Bothered by their ceaseless discussion, Sylvester Lesage, the reigning emperor, interjects into the conversation.

He tells the Cardinals that if fertile land is what they require, then a war of conquest shall be made. Although the Cardinals disagree with this approach, they dare not speak against the Emperor’s commands. They do, however, remind him of the ancient treaties denying them access to certain plots of land. Unfortunately, the Emperor has no interest in honoring these ancient accords. He tells them they have much work to do for the war effort before bidding them farewell.

Back at Cid’s place, Jill and Clive are shocked to hear Cid’s new plan. He explains to them that the Mothercrystals are to blame for the blight. As the Mothercrystals pull aether from the land, it spreads the blight and kills the land. After some clarifying questions, Jill and Clive agree to help Cid with his task.

Although Clive does express some hesitation, having just made an oath to protect the Bearers. To this, Cid says that there is no point in setting the Bearers free if the planet is on the verge of collapsing. Together, the group swears an oath that they will destroy the old world and build a new one from its ashes.

In Oriflamme, Clive sets out on his plan to destroy Drake’s Head. However, they must first find a way to get through the imperial checkpoint. Luckily, Cid has a friend at the checkpoint who owes him a favor.

Dame, the owner of the Northreache’s most prolific house of ill repute, the Veil. She holds many secrets and holds a certain amount of power in the region as a result. Some time ago, Cid offered her a kindness when no one else would. Because of this, she considers herself indebted to the man.

She helps Clive breach the checkpoint by pretending he is own of her Branded. Once inside the gate, Clide follows Isabelle to the Veil. Here, Isabelle tells Clive how he will repay the favor. She sends him off to find one of her missing girls. Before he leaves she hands him the Seal of the Moon and Stars. This item will let others know that he is in town on her behalf.

Clive begins his search for the girl, continuously being treated as a lesser by the townsfolk for his markings. He finds the girl and her jealous lover atop a nearby hill. Both having been dead for some time. He returns to Isabelle and informs her of the girl's grim fate.

In return, she informs him that his friends have breached the gate. She also states that she has heard whispers from her consorts. She believes the Emperor plans to abandon the capital and search for new lands farther away from the blight.

Now together, Clive, Jill, and Cid use the Pleasure Houses as their new hideout. Cid explains to the group that there is no better place for privacy than a brothel filled with powerful men who do not want to be seen. The group stays in the brothel until nightfall, waiting for dusk before venturing into the Glass Gate that leads to the mines.

As they enter the mines, the group discovers that the guards have drowned in Aether, becoming Akashic. These creatures have lost their senses and have become incredibly powerful. As they explore further, they discover a hole in the wall left by Cid in his battle with Bahamut. They use this hole to enter the inner sanctum and reach the Mothercrystal.

However, when they attack the crystal, the group becomes targeted by the region's guardian, a great Aether soaked dragon. Luckily, the group combines their might and is able to slay the mighty beast. Deciding they will need more fire power to destroy the crystal, Cid becomes fully primed, transforming into Ramuh.

Using the full force of his power, he destroys the crystal. However, as he does so, a powerful force emerges from a black hole, shooting Ramuh with powerful energy beams. With Ramuh knocked down, Clive attempts to conjure Ifrit, but the beast will not come. Luckily, Cid manages to throw an attack at Typhon, saving the group once again.

Clive once again finds himself in a mysterious area, separated from his friends. Here, he sees the Withered Titan pinned to the wall with Ramuh’s spear. As he stares at the creature, he hears the strange voice in his head once again. It tells him that Typhon has been stopped and must be punished for his transgression. As the Titan awakens, Clive transforms into Ifrit and unleashes his full power upon the monster. After it has been defeated, Ifrit tells Clive he finds him to be a most suitable vessel.

When Clive returns to his friends, he finds Jill comforting a wounded Cid. As he tries to comfort his dying friend, Clive is approached by another mysterious figure. Clive realizes that this monster is the voice in his head and watches as it goes to place its hand upon him, stating that they will soon become one.

However, Cid has no interest in letting this creature take Clive and rams his sword through its neck in a final moment of defiance. Now lying on the ground, the creature plainly asks Clive why he would deny his fate before returning to the Aether.

Cid returns to his resting position and is happy to discover that he has one cigar left, all that he needs in his final moments. He tells Clive that the world needs an outlaw before thrusting his hand upon him, transferring Rumah’s essence upon him. Although Clive struggles and begs him to stop, it is too late. The transference now complete, Cid dies in the arms of his friends.

Before they can even begin to mourn, the mysterious creature returns. He tells Clive that it is time for him to learn his place in the grand scheme of things before assaulting him with Aether. Luckily, Joshua arrives and counters the spell using his Phoenix powers. Although they are knocked out by the blow, he manages to save the lives of Jill and Clive.

Joshua calls out to Ultima, telling it that it will not claim his mother. Mildly impressed that Joshua has learned its name, the creature asks Joshua what else he has learned about them. Joshua states that his travels have given him much insight into the nature of the creature. He is aware that Ultima is responsible for tearing his brother away from him to claim Clive as a vessel.

Joshua tells the beast that it will have to go through him if he wants his brother. Unbothered by this, Ultima agrees and begins a barrage against Joshua. However, the two spell casters seem to be evenly matched. Unable to defeat Ultima, Joshua traps the beast within himself. As Ultima screams out in confusion, Joshua reminds him that he is the Dominant of the Phoenix, and that he can heal himself from whatever the monster does to him while trapped in his body.

Outside of the chamber, the people of Sanbreque stare in horror as the Mothercrystal evaporates into nothingness. Meanwhile, at the Hideout, Dhalmekian soldiers slaughter everyone who is loyal to Cid. Gav loses an eye in the encounter but manages to escape alive. Outside of the Hideout, Titan emerges crushing the mountain and all who remain in the area. Seeing the sanctuary destroyed, Gav cries out, asking where Cid is and why he won’t come to save them from their destruction.

Chapter Eight: The Outlaw

Five years later, Jill and Clive go undercover in the streets of Kostnice searching for an informant. Upon finding him, they are informed that a group of Bearers are being held prisoner at an old courthouse on the edge of town. When Clive states he will go free them, he is warned that they are being held by Kupka’s private guards.

The informant states that many men died to get this information, telling Clive that it would all be pointless if he ended up dead in a ditch. However, stating he cannot sit by and allow this to happen, Clive and Jill head off to free the bearers.

After freeing the Bearers from their captors, Jill and Clive receive the full brunt of the rage. The Bearers scream at Clive telling him that this is all his fault, if he had simply accepted his role, they would not have to endure this level of punishment. The Bearers leave the area, refusing to accept any help from Clive or Jill. Saddened but not defeated, the group heads off to continue their plan.

Riding back to the hideout, Clive explains that he understands the hatred they receive from the Bearers. Although they are creating a better world for them, in the process they have made their current lives all the harder. Kill wonders whether this is the right course of action, but Clive explains that it doesn’t matter if the choice is right or wrong so long as they have a choice.

In honor of Cid’s memory, Clive has adopted his name. Since the events of five years ago, he has come to be known by many as Cid the Outlaw. As they reach their new hideaway in Lake Bennumere, Clive reports to Otto, telling him what happened to the Bearers. He then goes to chat with Vivian Ninetails, the group's strategist. During this talk, she explains the current state of the realm.

He then visits Harpocrates, the group’s historian. Clive asks the elderly man if his studies have garnered any information about Ultima. Unfortunately, there is no information in the historical records of such a creature or what it may be after. Exploring the compound further, Clive runs into Tarja and thanks her for removing his markings.

Meanwhile, Joshua explores the Northern Territories, investigating the reach of the Blight. He is stunned to see how far it has advanced in the region and wonders if his struggle has been in vain. Noting that the end of the world marches ever closer upon them.

Back at the Hideaway, Clive receives word that Martha has gone missing. Concerned about their friend, Clive and Jill head to Martha’s Rest to gather information. When they arrive, they discover that she has been taken away in chains.

After talking with Cole, they are informed that the soldiers reportedly took her to the Abbey where her Bearers are kept. He also states that the soldiers mentioned something about culling. Knowing that they are short on time, Clive and Jill head off to save their friend.

On the way to the Abbey, they find Martha injured on the side of the road. She explains that she was abducted by a group of Knights referring to themselves as the Black Shield. These Knights took over the Abbey and planned to perform a Culling. However, seeing her distraught, the Bearers rose from their beds. Causing enough of a distraction to allow Martha to flee back to the village.

Arriving at the Abbey, Clive and Jill find the corpses of the Bearers within. Outside, they encounter the Knights of the Black Shield. Seeing this mockery offends Clive, as the Shields once represented the honor and safety of his father’s Kingdom. Now, however, the group has been twisted by his mother into a gaggle of cold blooded murders. Angered by this slight, Clive murders each member of the band.

Back at the Hideaway, Clive and Jill concoct a new plan to destroy the Mothercrystals. The group decides to exploit the war between the Dhalmekia and Sanbreque empires. While the two empires a distracted by the war effort, they will infiltrate Drake’s Breath in the Iron Kingdom.

Clive and Jill set off for Port Isolde, hoping to catch a ship to take them to Clive’s Uncle, Byron Rosfield, Elwin's younger brother. Along the way, they discover that members of the Black Shield have been dispatched to all the surrounding villages, no matter how small.

As they investigate the villages, they discover another group of Black Knights. After defeating them in combat, Clive interrogates their leader for information. During this, he discovers that the Black Knights were sent to deliver him a message. They discovered where he was hiding the Bearers he rescued from their camps.

Clive kills the Black Knight leader and rushes off to save the Bearers before they are put to death. However, they quickly discover they are too late. Turning the corner of the village, Clive bears witness to a field of dead Bearers. Each having died an awful death at the hands of his mother. Seeing the carnage left on display, Clive swears an oath to kill his mother and never allow this to happen again.

When they arrive at the port city, they discover that the city gates are closed to all outsiders. Luckily, Clive’s uncle once informed him of a series of tunnels called Lazurus. These tunnels would allow the higher members of society to enter and leave the city undetected. Seeing little other option, Clive and Jill embark into the tunnels through the city.

Through the tunnels, they encounter Sir Wade, they encounter Sir Wade. Realizing who Clive is, Wade explains that he has organized a group known as the Guardians of the Flame. Along with his faithful men, they have been disrupting the Black Knight's efforts to kill the local Bearers. Together with Wade, the group sets off for Bewit Bridge.

They hope that their presence will draw out the Black Knight leader. Once defeated, Wade believes that the Black Knights will become disorganized and easier to defeat in combat. Although the plan is successful, Wade reminds Clive that if things do not change, Empress Anabella will simply replenish her soldiers and begin anew. With this information in mind, Clive heads off to discuss matters with his uncle.

When they arrive at Rosfield Manor, Clive’s Uncle Byron raises an axe and prepares to attack. He states that his nephew is dead and the man standing before him is a mere imposter. However, when Clive recites their favorite play, Byron lowers his weapon and embraces the lost boy. After discussing their plan, Byron agrees to outfit the adventurers with a ship. Stating that he does not believe everything they say but is willing to help them if it pleases his lost nephew.

Chapter Nine: Closure

Back at the Hideaway, Clive makes the final preparations to destroy the Mothercrystal in Drake’s Breath. He then goes to discuss the plan with Jill. However, while they are talking Jill reveals that she has another task to accomplish in Drake’s Breath. She intends to kill the head of the Ironblood church as repayment for all the terrible sins he forced her to commit. She tells Clive that this is the only way she will be able to move past the horrors that were inflicted upon her as their slave.

Arriving at Drake’s Breath, Jill uses her powers to create a powerful mist that obscures their presence. Wanting a stealthy entrance, Clive and Jill leave their large ship behind and board the island on a small two person rowboat. Once inside, Jill finds Lady Marleigh, a Rosarian who was kind to Jill during her imprisonment. Jill tells Lady Marleigh of her plans and begs her to leave the sanctum.

However, the Lady refuses, believing she must stay behind to protect the girls of the sanctum. However, as a parting act of kindness, she shows Jill and Clive a hidden passage that will lead them to the Ironblood’s patriarch. With eyes filled with tears, Jill leaves her friend and sets off for her revenge.

At the Mothercrystal, Jill and Clive find Imream. The patriarch is leading a prayer group in which they are sacrificing slaves to honor the Mothercrystal. Jill shouts the Imream, stating that she is here to kill him. This provokes laughter from Imream who tells the young girl that she has always been a monster. Thus, this is simply in her nature.

Jill screams out in anger, stating that she only killed people when forced. Whereas Imream kills slaves for his own pleasure. Unbothered by her presence, Imream states that he kills Bearers to remove the corrupt Aether from their bodies. He believes that he is providing the cursed creatures a service by killing them.

Before Jill can strike out at her former master, the mysterious hooded figure appears in their midst. He waves his hand at the surrounding magma and raises a massive fire demon who attacks all parties involved. This forces Jill to become fully primed and become Shiva. Using their combined might, Jill and Clive destroy the living magma and turn their sights on the Mothercrystal.

Jill uses her ice powers once more, imbuing Clive’s sword with ice. Now equipped, Clive drives his sword through the Mothercrystal, destroying it. Seeing this, Imream returns from the shadows, demanding to know what they have done. Jill tells him that they have come to slay the monsters that plague this land before driving her blade through his body, leaving him to die in his precious temple.

Elsewhere, Joshua marches through the Crystalline Dominion. However, he struggles against the force of Ultima. The creature exudes such will that it causes him to fall to the ground. After being helped up by his traveling party, Joshua wonders why the creature has become so active after five years of dormancy.

Turning to his companions, he explains that he won’t be able to keep the monster sealed away much longer. Whatever plans they will accomplish must be done soon. When his companions ask what his next step is, Joshua tells them that they are headed to the Dominion to seek out Dion Lesage, the current prince of Sanbreque.

The two had met as children and Joshua believes that he will assist them in their goals. Joshua laments that so much of their lives have been lived in opulence that the royalty had become like fatted birds kept in a protective cage. However, now the bars are closing in on them. Joshua wonders if the precious birds have the strength for the battle that lies before them.

Meanwhile, in the Dhalmekia republic, the Ministry of Law discusses the failing war effort. Sitting comfortably at the head of the table, Kupka scolds the advisors. He tells them they were easily baited into a war that offered little chance of victory. This angers the council who state that if Kupka would simply take the battlefield as Titan, victory would easily be in their grasp.

However, Kupka reminds them that if he takes the battlefield as Titan, the other side will release Bahamut. The ensuing battle would decimate the island, leaving no winner in its wake. Without warning, Empress Anabella and her son, Oliver Lesage, enter the room. When the Ministry of Law asks why she is here, Kupka informs them the meeting is over, he has more important matters to discuss with the Empress.

Once they are alone, Kupka explains the reason he has called upon the Empress. He tells her that his investigation into Cid has revealed some interesting information. It turns out that the infamous outlaw is her forgotten son, Clive. Anabella tells Kupka that he has been fed bad information.

However, Kupka presses the issue, saying that he will remove Clive from the equation if she promises to end the hostilities between Dhalmekia and Sanbreque. Without receiving an answer, Kupka leaves the room and prepares to enact his revenge for the death of Benedikta. Anabella stays in the room, giving young Oliver time to rest in her lap. She reminds the young boy that soon he will be Emperor. She tells him that when that day comes, he will destroy the old world and build a new one in his image.

Chapter Ten: A Woman’s Best Friend

Back at the Hideaway, Jill is burdened by the effects of her curse. Although Tarja can minimize her symptoms, she informs Clive that the curse is spreading throughout her body. Clive goes into the room to check on Jill and tells her that she can confide in him about her pain if she wishes.

Jill tells Clive that although it hurts tremendously, the pain is worth it to see their cause come to fruition. As they sit, their hands touch one another. Locked into a moment of passion, the two lean into kiss. However, before their passion can strike home, Gave enters the room and tells Clive that Rosaria is under attack.

Out in the main hall, Gav explains that Men of the Rock have rallied against Rosaria on Kupka’s orders. As they chat, this army threatens to knock down the gate of the city and kill all who are inside. Clive knows that this is a trap to get him out of hiding but cannot allow his homeland to be crushed into rubble. Having no other options, Clive, Jill, and Gav head to Rosia to fight off the invaders.

The group arrives just in time to see the capital in its death throes. Clive and Jill rush through the area, killing any who cross their path. However, while Clive is momentarily distracted, Jill is taken prisoner by Kupka. Knowing that Jill will be killed if they resist. Clive lays down his sword and allows himself to be taken prisoner. The two are placed into power nullifying armbands before being taken away.

Luckily, Gav is able to infiltrate the holding cell and free Clive. Knowing that she will be executed shortly, Clive rushes off to save Jill. Unable to enter the courtyard without detection, Clive sends Torgal to form a distraction. However, the loyal hound transforms into something similar to an Eikon and frees Jill himself.

After dealing with the men in the courtyard, Clive enters the throne room where Kupka patiently waits for his arrival. When he asks why he has slain so many innocent people, Kupka states that it is the only way to draw him out.

He seeks revenge against Cid for killing his beloved. Since Cid is dead, Clive will be a fitting substitute. Clive takes this opportunity to tell Kupka that Cid attempted to save Benedikta from her madness. However, Clive stepped in where Cid could not and put the girl out of her misery. Hearing that the man who killed his beloved stands before him, Kupka begins to laugh, noting how fortunate he has become.

Approaching Clive, Kupka becomes semi primal and strikes out at the young warrior. As they fight, their combined might destroy the castle. As they fall to the floor beneath them, the earthen ground empowers Kupka. However, this doesn’t save him from Clive's wrath. In a swift movement, Clive counters the brute and cuts off his hands.

Before he can kill Kupka, the Titan’s essence seeps into his chest, momentarily paralyzing him. In this vulnerable moment, a mysterious figure appears and incapacitates Kupka before carrying him away. When Clive yells out to the figure, it refers to him as Mythos before stating that they will talk at a later time.

Chapter Eleven: Love and Madness

Back at the Hideout, Jill goes to rest while Clive talks with Otto. As they talk, the two men are joined by Mid, Cid’s daughter. She has come to the Hideaway to continue her studies away from the prying eyes of her father's enemies. She asks Clive to create a workshop for her at the hideaway since she will be staying with them from now on. After helping Mid with her workshop, Clive talks with Harpocrates. Here he learns that Torgal is a rare breed of Ice wolf who belonged to a Dominant of Shiva. He believes that seeing Jill in distress awakened his ancient powers, leading to him becoming her savior.

Back at the Crystalline Dominion, the cardinals of Sanbreque inform the Emporer that the Dalmakian Government is suing for peace. The group addresses Olivier and thanks him for the peace talks he engaged in with Kupka, stating that this truce would not have come to pass without his wisdom.

The Empress smiles and she cuddles the young prince, nearly asleep upon her lap. Unfortunately, the Emporer is not interested in peace. He plans to keep the negotiations active and will unleash Bahamut upon them while they are distracted. He believes that Kupka is engaged elsewhere and would not return in time to save the kingdom.

Dion acknowledges the same point that Kupka made with his advisors, stating that this will cause untold civilian casualties and will not be an honorable victory. However, his father doesn’t seem to mind this. He tells the prince that for every civilian killed, another can be birthed. The lives of the citizens do not matter, all that matters is the continuation of the Empire.

He gives Dion a white flower and tells the prince to prepare himself to take the field. Not able to openly disagree, Dion follows his father's commands. As he leaves the room, the Emperor is approached by his astrologers. The wise men have confirmed Anabella’s fears, telling the Emperor that Dion has the shadow of treachery hanging over him.

Back at the Hideaway, Clive is surprised to see his uncle Byron waiting on the docks. Having learned more about their endeavor, he has arrived to offer his assistance. He delivers the group two thousand gold Talents to fund their war efforts. He also informs Clive of a passing fleet sailing past Port Isolde.

When Clive takes this information to Vivian, she makes the assumption that the Royalists have taken Kupka back to Drake’s Fang to heal his wounds. Seeking revenge for what happened in the capital, Clive gathers his party members and heads off to finish the Kupka off once and for all.

As Clive and Byron travel to Drake’s Fang, Byron points out an old trading post that is familiar to him. He suggests that the two stop in for a quick drink as the dessert sands have made him quite parched. However, as they approach, Torgal begins to growl. Clive notices that the reigned Chocobos appear to belong to Waloeder soldiers. Dismissing Torgal, the two head in to pay the soldiers a visit.

While inside, Clive orders some food and begins to eavesdrop on the soldiers across the hall. As they listen, they realize that the soldiers are watching the area to protect Kupka. However, the soldiers quickly notice the strange travelers and engage them in battle. Clive defeats the men easily and thanks the barmaid for her service.

Little does he know that Joshua and his traveling companion are resting in an upstairs area of the inn. Although Joshua is very ill, his companion forces him to leave the area when she hears the commotion happening downstairs. As they flee, Clive’s Pheonix Feather begins to burn, letting him know that Joshua is nearby. Clive rushes upstairs in search of Joshua but is too late. The two head off and continue the road to Drake’s Fang.

When the two arrive at the city, they discover the gates to Drake’s Fang has been closed by order of Lord Kupka. Not knowing where else to look, the two head off in search of the desert hare, an informant who is loyal to their cause. While on the search, the two men find themselves accosted in an alleyway. After defeating the ruffians, Clive is informed that this was merely a test set up by Ruzena Dalimil, the Desert Hare.

Now formally introduced to the legendary trader, they are informed that he will provide them passage through the city, provided they can earn his trust. He sends them on a mission to find the city’s crystals that have been stolen by the Men of the Rock. Byron uses his wealth to establish a trade between himself and the soldiers.

However, once they meet, Clive and Byron kill the Men of the Rock and return the crystals to Dalimil. The Desert Hare honors their agreement, providing them safe passage through the gates, and informing his people to help the two if they can.

Outside of Drake’s Fang, Byron stops Clive to discuss the events of Pheonix’s Gate. He apologizes to Clive for his cowardice and states he cannot forgive himself for betraying his nation to save his own skin. He tells Clive to return to Rosaria and reclaim his birthright.

However, Clive tells him that he is fighting to build a new world, not to find a better station within the old. Byron accepts Clive’s new vision for the world and sets off to secure what help he can for the upcoming battle. Clive braces himself and heads to Drake’s Fang to kill Kupka.

Inside Drake’s Fang, Kupka rages as he learns how to use his new hands. As he struggles he is mocked by Harbard, Waloed’s Lord Commander. He tells Kupka that he is weak and that is why he lost his battle with Clive. Being the man who carried Kupka to safety, Harbard has firsthand knowledge of Kupka’s failings. However, he tells him that all hope is not yet lost.

He informs the raging warrior that if he can receive the blessing of the Mothercrystal, he can transform himself into a creature beyond human understanding. In this new form, he will find no trouble in defeating the forgotten prince. Willing to do anything to achieve his revenge, Kupka sets off to drink Aeither of the Mothercrystal.

Once inside the Temple, Clive is surprised to see orcs in the enter sanctum. He wonders how these vile creatures got here and if the Republican army is relying on monsters to bolster their forces. Clive works his way through the area and arrives at Castle Dozbog. As he looks around in wonder, he remarks on Kupka's arrogance, as only an arrogant man would build his castle inside of the Mothercrystal.

Harbard watches Clive's progression with interest. He chuckles to himself stating that it is time for the trials to begin. Fighting his way through the mountain, Clive finds Kupka in the inner sanctum. He calls out to his foe but does not receive a response. Kupka is occupied with visions of Benedikta. However, when that vision shows Clive killing his lover, Kupka becomes enraged and enters his primal state.

Clive calls upon Ifrit to help him with this challenge. However, even as Ifrit, the mighty Titan dwarves him in size and strength. Through speed and tragedy, Clive knocks down the massive creatures and prepares to strike the final blow. However, Kupka refuses to die. The massive beast turns its attention to the Mothercrystal and begins eating the precious stones.

This transforms him into an even larger creature known as Titan Lost. The transformation creates such force that it blows ifrit from the mountain and into the desert outside. Nearly losing the battle, Clive decides that he too will draw on the Aether of the Mothercyrstal. This gives him the advantage that he needs to defeat the mighty Titan. Now that Kupka is finally dead, Clive turns his attention to the Mothercrystal. Using Ifrit's mighty strength, he destroys the crystal in one swift blow.

However, after he does so, he feels an immense pain in his head and collapses onto the floor. When he opens his eyes, he is confronted by Ultima. The beast tells him that Clive is stronger than expected and that his strength is growing. He refers to him as Mythos and states that soon he will become perfect.

Ultima tries once again to take over Clive’s body. However, Clive is able to hear Joshua’s voice in his mind telling him to resist the evil creature. Hearing his brother’s voice gives Clive the strength to fight off Ultima’s will. In response to this, Ultima states that he will destroy every part of his will. Once that is done, Ultima will return to claim the empty husk of Clive and use it for his purposes.

Having watched the battle, Harbard and Barnabas look over the valley, discussing Kupka’s defeat. Barnabas notes that he is surprised at how beautiful the destruction of the Mothercrystal is. The two watch as the Mothercrystal dissipates into the air before setting off to continue their plans in the shadows.

Chapter Twelve: A Tale of Two Princess

At the Holy Oder of the Knights Dragoon encampment, Dion fails to understand his father's plan to destroy the Dhalmekian Empire. As Dion and Terence commiserate over their shared hatred of the bloodshed, they engage in a short kiss before being interrupted by a messenger. The message states that Olivier has been made Emperor and that Dion is to maintain his position and continue the war effort.

Enraged by this news, Dion prepares to head to the capital to investigate this change of order. However, before he can do so, Joshua enters the tent. As Dion’s guards prepare to attack the intruder, the prince stops them. He states that he hasn’t seen Joshua in quite some time and tells his men not to harm the Pheonix lest their hands be burned off. Joshua greets the prince before telling him that he has a story he would like to share with him.

Back at the Hideaway, Clive informs the group that the mighty Kupka has finally fallen. As he discusses this victory with his friends, he is reminded that he should visit Cid’s grave, hoping it will provide him some solace in the afterlife. Clive agrees to this request and asks Mid if she will join him on his quest.

However, Mid is busy with designs for her new ship, which promises to be the fastest in the land. Using the combined knowledge of the Hideaway members, Clive helps Mid build her ship in the hopes that she will join him. Unfortunately, after receiving her favor, Mid flees the Hideaway. Unable to catch her in time, Clive and Gav head off for the old Hideaway to visit Cid’s Grave.

At the grave, Clive tells Cid of Kupka’s destruction. The group pays their respects to Cid and discusses their plans to continue his dream. Their plan is to head to Drake’s Tail in the Crystalline dominion to destroy the last remaining Mothercrystal. Although it will be heavily guarded, Clive and Jill plan to sneak into the Twinside capital posing as common merchants.

Meanwhile, at the Seat of the Imperial Court, Dion seeks an audience with his father about the change in command. His father informs him that Olivier is indeed the Emperor of the land and will help to rebuild the Holy Empire of Sanbrque. Sylvestre says now that Kupka has been killed, they have no true rivals.

Soon, they will march upon the land and claim all that remains for themselves. Dion tells his father that he has changed in his absence. He wonders if he follows his own will or that of Ultima. His father states that he is following his own will and has received the utmost guidance from Annabelle.

She has helped him to see the correct way to run a nation and the importance of the gods. Dion becomes enraged, reminding Sylvestre, that Anabelle betrayed her homeland and murdered her husband. However, his father reminds him that these statements border on the line of heresy, forcing Dion to take a knee and apologize for his actions.

His father then takes young Olivier and leaves the room, telling the boy they have an important meeting to attend. Now alone, Anabelle takes this time to prod Dion’s wounded ego. She asks the prince if it is painful knowing he will not take the throne. When Dion does not give her sufficient groveling, she reminds him that he has reached a high position because of his Dominant. However, she will not allow someone with cursed blood to rise any higher in her kingdom.

Arriving at the checkpoint in Boklad, Jill and Clive meet with Goetz to use his trading pass for safe entry. However, the lovable oaf had been pickpocketed moments prior to their arrival. Luckily, he knows someone in town who might be able to point them in the direction of the thieves.

Clive and Jill seek out Eloise, the owner of the Crimson Caravan. When they find her Eloise informs the adventurers that since the checkpoint has been closed, trader passes have become a hot item within the city's black market. She gives them what limited information she has and asks that they shut down the illegal trade for good.

As they ask around the town, Jill and Clive discover that a current organization has created an underground ring of child thieves to do their crimes for them. While investigating the ring, Clive is mistaken for a crime member and attacked. However, when Theodore, Eloise’s brother, spots Goetz, he realizes they are on the same side and stops his assault.

Working together, they destroy the local criminal organization and retrieve their merchant pass. They then return to Eloise and inform her of the good news. She thanks them for their efforts and pledges to help them with their goals. Clive and Jill return the merchant pass to Goetz and make their way through the checkpoint.

In the Crystalline Dominion, Joshua talks with Dion about his father. He asks if Dion is certain that his father has no knowledge of Ultima. Dion states that he is not under his influence, but it matters very little. Although it is clear to see that some dark force has taken hold of his kingdom, Dion is not sure what it is yet.

Dion believes Joshua’s story about darkness taking over the land. However, he is unable to help him in his task. First, he must protect his kingdom and set his family in order. He recalls his discussion with Annabelle, where she stated he had unpure blood. In this discussion, Annabella revealed to Dion that she had been made aware that he was the son of a prostitute and was not worthy of his royal lineage.

When Dion asks what she has done to his father, Annabella states that she has simply whispered in his ear about Dion's treachery. Using his Astrologers, Annabella has convinced the empire that his mongrel son has been plotting a rebellion against the empire. When Dion flies into a rage over these accusations, she promises the young prince that he may still have a position for him in the capital if he will kneel like the dog that he is.

As she leaves the room, Annabella stops on the sacred flower that represents the power of the capital, truly showing her disrespect for the prince and the kingdom. Dion comes to the realization that Annabelle is the darkness that threatens his homeland and makes a new proclamation. He will arrest Annabelle and her son and put them both to death for their crimes against the kingdom.

Chapter Thirteen: Treachery

As Clive and Jill arrive in Twinsidfe, they discuss a way to create a distraction that will allow them to enter the sanctum of the Mothercrystal. As they do so, they hear an uproar coming from outside their lodging. When they investigate, they see that the city has erupted into flames. The two rush off to investigate the fire and find Goetz.

As they reach the entrance to the Mothercrystal, they discover that the city has come under attack from the Dragoons, with Prince Dion leading the assault as Bahamut. As they fight off the lesser Dragoons, Clive notices that Mothercrystals heart begins to burn brightly in the night sky.

Still in the city, Joshua notices the destruction caused by his friend. Believing that something has happened to the prince, he sets off to stop Bahamut from killing the innocent people of the town. Using the full force of his power, Dion attacks the Mothercrystal, causing Drake’s Tail to evaporate. However, a new crystal of ice forms around the Mothercrystal heart, shielding it from any further assault.

As Clive, Jill, and Goetz make for the heart of the Mothercrystal, Clive spots the Phoenix in the distance. Joshua has entered his primal state to stop Prince Dion and bring him to his senses. Fearing for his brother's life, Clive rushes through the rubble of the city to destroy the Mothercrystal.

After defeating Ultima’s guardians, they enter a chamber and discover Annabella clutching onto a frightened Olivier. Seeing his mother for the first time in years, Clive draws his sword and demands to know why she betrayed her country and his father. Annabella states that his father did not understand what it meant to rule. While he was obsessed with protecting his people she did what was necessary to protect her bloodline.

Thus, she gave her country to the Empire so that she may sire a son that would be blessed by both Bahamut and the Phoenix, giving the planet its only true chance at stopping the blight. She accosts Clive, telling him that if he had been chosen by the Phoenix, none of this would have happened. She ends her rant by stating that he was supposed to die that day not Joshua.

Hearing this, Clive tells Annabella to look out her window, explaining that Joshua is fighting Bahamut as they speak. Before she can investigate this, the Phoenix comes bursting through the wall, transforming back into Joshua. As Clive rushes over to protect his brother, he sees Bahamut towering above them.

He tells the creature he is a shield of Rosaria and that he will do his duty. As he approaches Bahamut, it begins to cast a massive attack, but Clive seems unbothered. He continues his march forward and bears the full weight of Bahamut's wrath. In the wake of the energy beam, Jill is amazed to see Ifrit standing in Clive’s place.

Clive begins his battle with the mighty Bahamut but quickly finds himself outmatched by the dragon's ferocious power. Luckily, Joshua awakens and joins his brother in the battle as the Phoenix, healing Clive’s battle wounds. As the three god like beings battle, the Mothercrystals heart opens into the shape of a flower, illuminating the night sky.

Now battling inside the flower of the Mothercrystals heart, Bahamut finds himself losing the battle against the two brothers. Running out of options, Prince Dion chooses to drink of the Mothercrystals Aether, thus making himself much more powerful. Facing a losing battle, Clive and Joshua draw on their own powers. Surprisingly to both of them, this causes them to join bodies, combining the best of each of their strengths.

Now able to fly, Ifrit and the Pheonix take to the sky and meet Bahamut in space where the once honorable prince is set on destroying the planet. Using their new powers, Clive and Joshua defeat Bahamut, sending Prince Dion hurtling back down to the planet. Hurrying to save his friend, Joshua catches Dion, and the two fall to the city below.

As they fall, Ifrit destroys the Mothercrystal, freeing it from Bahamut’s power. After Joshua awakens, he finds Clive, and the two brothers share a short embrace before turning their attention back to Prince Dion. When the prince awakens, he looks around at the destruction and haze caused by his actions.

In doing so he spots Ultima standing beside Annabella and Olivier. He lunges his spear at the monster, causing it to evaporate into a cloud of Aether. However, when he does this, Olivier disappears as well, causing Annabelle to scream in horror as she watches her child evaporate into nothingness.

As she does so, Prince Dion sees a vision of his father. He reaches a hand out to the former Emperor and tells him that he has saved his family from the darkness that had been praying upon them. Joshua rushes to the young Prince and uses his powers to heal him. As he does so, the power of Bahamut flows into Clive, sending him into a fit of agony.

As the power flows into him, Clive witnesses what took place leading up to the battle. Dion enters the royal chambers to see his father meeting with his advisors over the fires in the capital. As Dion approaches, his father asks if he has lost his mind and commands him to stop this assault and call off his Dragoons.

However, Dion tells him that no civilians will come under harm because of these attacks. He is simply here to stop the madness that has taken over the kingdom. He tells his father he is here to arrest Olivier and Annabella for high treason. Upon hearing this, Sylvestre calls for the guards to arrest Dion but none dare make a move.

As they argue, Prince Dion raises his spear and throws it at Olivier to end this once and for all. Unfortunately, Sylvestre jumps in front of the weapon to save his youngest child. He collapses to the floor and calls out Dion's name asking him why he has done this. Watching his father die, Dion is surprised to see Olivier rise from his chair for the first time.

The boy thanks Dion for his work, stating he knew that Sylvestre would die for him, it was only a matter of when it would happen. He congratulates Dion for withstanding the punishment for as long as he did. However, the young Emperor was aware that Dion would break eventually, regardless of his enduring righteousness. He then tells Prince Dion that Mythos approaches and tasks him with breaking him as well. As his eyes turn crystal blue, he magically sends Dion into the frenzy that created the upcoming assault on the city.

As Clive awakens, he finds himself back in the destroyed city with Joshua and the others preparing to leave. Joshua turns to his mother and tells her to come with them, that it is too dangerous to stay here. However, upon seeing her once thought dead son’s face, Annabelle enters a hysterical state, swinging a sword at Joshua and referring to him as a demon. Fearful that she will be abducted by this creature, she draws her rapier and slits her throat to avoid whatever fate may come.

As the city continues to fall into itself, Ultima appears where the Mothercrystal once stood. He states that if conscience is what binds Clive with Joshua, then he will simply exterminate it to bring himself closer to his goal. He then casts Primogenises which unbalances the world’s Aether supply so that a new age of reason may begin. As they watch on, Clive and the other members of the party fly back to the Hideaway on Joshua's flaming wings.

Chapter Fourteen: A Gods Wrath

Sometime later, Barnabas sits in his bed chamber speaking to a vision of Benedikta. This vision scolds the kind for his weakness before transforming into Kupka and transforming once again into Ultima. Ultima tells him that soon Mythos will become his perfect vessel. But first, he must sever all the ties of humanity that bind him to his brother.

Using Primogenisis, Ultima plans on forcing humanity to bend to the will of the Aether. Ultima then tells Barnabas that he must find Mythos and aid him in this goal. Barnabas agrees and refers to Ultima as his master. As the monster fades into the darkness, he transforms once more, this time appearing as Barnabas’s mother. Barnabas walks towards this figure and embraces her the way that a child would its mother.

Back at the Hideaway, Clive is given no time to rest as reports of bandit raids and an impending invasion loom over the area. They must also ascertain information regarding the dark clouds that have eclipsed much of the nation. Clive decides they must put their mission on hold for the time being and help those who are allied with them. As without their help, the group would not have succeeded up until this point.

After helping their allies, Clive and Jill return to the Hideaway to check on Joshua. Now that he is awake, Clive asks Joshua what he knows of Ultima. Sadly, despite his best efforts, Joshua has learned little about the creature or its motives. He tells Clive that when he was lying under the rubble of Pheonix’s Gate waiting for death, he was rescued by a person who informed him about Ultima.

He tells Clive that although he isn’t sure what its end goal is, Ultima seems to require Clive to achieve it. He tells Clive that this is not by chance, his ability to utilize the power of multiple Eikons must be the reason he is so desired by Ultima. He then reveals to his brother he has been harboring Ultima inside of him. He tells Clive that although the Pheonix’s flame mends his wounds, it comes at a cost and soon he will no longer be able to keep the beast at bay.

When Jill scolds him for being so foolish, Joshua states he did not have a choice. He could either shoulder this burden or watch his brother become another one of Ultima’s victims. Joshua stating, that he couldn’t allow this to happen as he has always had a soft spot when it comes to Clive. Before they can continue their conversation, Joshua begins to cough up large amounts of blood as a result of his internal war with Ultima.

As they tend to Joshua, the group is made aware that Kanver, the capital of the free cities is under attack by an army of Akashic. They are also informed that Gave, Byron, and Mid have been hiding out in this area while they construct Mid’s new aircraft. Joined by Joshua, the group sets out to aid their friends in saving the city.

In Tabor, introduces his longtime escort to the group. The young woman's name is Jote and she is a Knight of the Undying. Upon hearing this, Clive comes to understand how Joshua survived their fight at Phoenix Gate. This mysterious order has served their family from the shadows for generations. Their goal being to protect and serve the families Dominant from internal and external threats.

After Clive thanks her for her service, Jote explains what she knows about the current invasion. She informs Joshua that the ship Einherjar has laid siege to Kanver. Joshua relates to Clive that this means that it is King Barnabas who has declared war on the free cities.

Chapter Fifteen: Servant of the Gods

Meanwhile, in Kanver, Barnabas and Harbard force their way into the council meeting, killing the guards as they enter. Although some of the council members believe Barnabas has arrived to offer them salvation, it is quickly revealed that he is the one waring with their kingdoms.

When they call the guards to arrest the two intruders, Barnabas quickly kills them all with a quick flick from Odin’s Blackened Blade. Turning his attention back to Harbard, he states that Cid’s daughter is still in the city. The two must find and kill her to release Clive’s consciousness from her.

Back in Tabor, Clive and the others discuss the implications of the King's involvement in the war. When Clive inquires as to how long Barnabas has been under Ultima’s control, Joshua speculates that, based on his actions, possibly a few years, if not more. Joshua then instructs Jote to show Clive and the others a tapestry.

This tapestry holds the same image as the murals found inside the Mothercrystal. Joshua explains that although the religion associated with the tapestry has been lost to time, he believes that it highlights Ultima as some kind of God.

He believes that Ultima is meant to rule over the Dominants. While some have willingly agreed to join him, Clive’s refusal has angered the mighty creature. As such, it will destroy everything in its path to get what it believes belongs to it. Joshua then instructs Jote to go to the Hideaway to protect Clive’s wards. He then joins Clive and Jill as they head off in search of their friends.

Arriving at their hideout, the group is reunited with Gav, Byron, and Gav. Lord Byron is taken aback by witnessing yet another dead family member rise from the grave. After discussing what has transpired, Clive is informed that the Akashic are being controlled by an unknown force. Instead of mindless beasts, these creatures have become unified under a single banner.

In an attempt to save as many civilians as possible, Clive sends Jill and Joshua across the river while he heads for the merchant's District. Now that Mid’s ship is finally finished, she and the remainder of the group prepare the air vessel for its departure.

Along the way, Clive encounters Harbard, who addresses him as Mythos. He reveals his name as Sleipnir of the house Harbard and invites Clive to a duel. As they fight, Sleipnir seems bored, as though the action is trivial for him. In an effort to make the battle fun, he summons Gungir, one of his master weapons, for the battle.

However, his arrogance gets the better of him as Sleipnir is quickly brought down by Clive. As he falls to the ground, he states that the vessel is strong. Clive is then joined by Jill and Joshua and the group prepares to leave the city. However, before they can do so, Barnabas makes his presence known by slicing through the capital building, cutting the stonework in half with a flick of his blade.

Attempting to save his friends, Clive attacks the king but is quickly beaten. Barnabas's control and royal training make quick work of the hasty fighter. Seeing no other option, Clive goes semi primal and attacks once again. However, he is bested moments later by the Black Blade knocking him unconscious.

Seeing this, Jill rushes forward and enters her primal state becoming Shiva. As Joshua flees with the wounded Clive, she generates an ice wall to give them time to escape. However, even in her strongest form, she serves as no match for the king's power. He sends a single energy beam from his blade that slices through all of her ice, landing a terrible blow as it does so.

Sometime later, Clive and the others regroup at the Ironworks. A shipyard that Mid has built in secret to keep her inventions away from prying eyes. As they discuss what happened with the king, Joshua tells the group that although very damaged, Barnabas made sure not to kill Clive. When Clive awakens, he is informed that Jill never returned from their battle.

However, he doesn’t seem as distraught as the others upon receiving this news. He tells the group not to worry, noting that he can still feel Jill’s Aether dominance. When Joshua agrees, the group decides they must hunt down the king’s ship and save Jill.

Unfortunately, Mid is having trouble getting her new ship off the ground. Using Mid’s ingenuity and Cid’s old archive, the group outfits the ship and makes preparations to save Jill. However, before they can depart, the Hideaway comes under attack by a hoard of Akashic. After defeating the hoard, the group finds themselves face to face with Sleipnir once more.

Joshua explains that Sleipnir is not a man but rather a creation of Odin. As he states this, several more iterations of Sleipnir appear, dropping in from portals. Telling Mid to sail away, the group fights off as many of the iterations as they can. After the boat has gained some traction, they jump aboard and flee the Hideaway in search of Jill.

In Twinside, an Injured Prince Dion wanders the streets of the once great city. He assesses the damage he wrought upon his homeland as he limps along, his wounds far from healed. Seeing his capital in ruin, he falls to his knees and weeps.

As the group reaches the Einherjar, Barnabas waits upon the back of the ship, watching the heroes approach. He laments his inability to sever the ties that bind Clive but is determined to fulfill his master's wishes. Clive jumps ship and is successful in freeing Jill. However, as he does so, Barnabas boards Mid’s vessel, forcing Joshua to fend off the mighty Odin.

As they fight, Odin sends a single energy wave from his Black Blade, splitting the sea itself in half. While Mid’s vessel is able to steer away from the imminent destruction, the einherjar falls to the sea floor. It is here that Jill and Clive are confronted by Barnabas once again.

Knowing that he is no match for the Black Blade, Clive tells Jill to run as far away as she can. As they battle Barnabas once again knocks Clive down using his superior powers. Now that he is helpless, Barnabas tells Clive that the Dominants are a means to an end for the creator. They are meant to use their powers for his will and die in the process.

Clive, however, is able to utilize many of these gifts without facing any of the drawbacks. This is why he will make a perfect vessel for his master. Soon, Barnabas and his master will turn all of mankind into Akashic, so that they may become the loyal servants that they are intended to be.

He believes this will be for the best as mankind will no longer be burdened by things like choice and free will. Barnabas leaves them just as the sea begins to cave in. Luckily, Jill uses the last of her strength to freeze a path, allowing her and Clive to escape.

The two escape to Ash’s shore and dry their naked bodies in front of a fire. Clive confides in Jill, telling her that every time he calls on the fire within it burns away part of who he is. Jill comforts him and states that he only kills to survive and that he only survives so that he may protect the ones that he loves.

Jill embraces Clive and tells him that while he has tried to save everyone else he has neglected to save himself. Holding him tighter, she tells him she will give him the strength to accomplish his goals. Clive places his hand on her bare chest and absorbs Shiva’s essence from Jill.

The two then embrace each other and promise that they will always be there for one another regardless of what happens next. After sharing a tender embrace, the two make long overdue love on the sandy beach as the moon hangs brightly above them.

Prince Dion awakens and finds himself in a slum of the Crystalline dominion. As he looks around, he finds a young girl who explains that she helped him heal using her poultices. After she offers him some water, Dion looks outside his window to see lanterns floating down a nearby river.

The young girl tells Dion that her grandmother used to say to her that the lanterns help the spirits of the lost find their way into the afterlife. Dion sees his spear hanging on a nearby wall and reflects yet again on the destruction that came in his wake.

His first instinct is to blame Ultima for guiding his hand but ultimately he acknowledges that these deaths are on his hands and he must bear the sins as best he can. Rising from his bed, Prince Dion grabs his spear and begins to leave the house. He thanks the young girl who asks him to come back and visit as repayment.

Chapter Sixteen: The Price of Worship

Back at the Hideaway, Clive convenes with the remaining party members about their attack on the kingdom of Ash. As they chat, Joshua tells Clive that he will accompany him to Waloed as he believes that there will be ancient relics that can illuminate more information about Ultima. Clive tells the others that he and Joshua will do this expedition on there own as a large party will only draw unwanted attention. Mid will provide them with transport with Jill acting as security for their return vessel.

As they walk, Joshua asks Clive if he absorbed Jill’s power. When Clive tells Joshua what happened on the beach he is surprised to be hit in the face by his younger brother. With Clive now lying on his back, Joshua berates his older brother, telling him that the world is not his to save it is everyone’s. He begs Clive to stop pushing everyone away and let those who love him help. He then helps his brother back to his feet and the two continue their march.

As they travel, Joshua spots an ancient temple and leaves the group in the hopes of discovering more about Ultima. Clive and Gav continue their journey only to be trapped in a force field by Odin. Barnabas tells Clive that his master is waiting for him at the capital but he cannot allow him to enter the capital in his current state.

As Clive and Gav explore the city, they come upon a pregnant woman cowering in a corner. She tells Clive how all of the village had gone mad and became compelled to head east. As to why Edda hasn’t changed, Clive believes her baby is a Dominant. The tiny fetus is possibly protecting its mother from the Aether.

Inside the ancient temple, Joshua finds the answers he has been looking for. Upon a wall, he finds the tapestry that shows each Eikon. Only, as he looks, he does not see the Phoenix. After closer inspection, he sees that Ifrit has wings and realizes that his combined form with his brother is the power Ultima truly seeks.

Clive leaves Gav to protect Edda and heads off with Torgal to the nearby tower. After battling his way through the defenses, Clive finds Barnabas waiting for him atop the tower. In preparation for their battle, Barnabas has killed his own soldiers to keen the blade of the Black Blade. The King yells out to Clive, telling him to accept his fate but Clive shouts back that he is choosing to live his life as a man and not that of a puppet like the king has.

Barnabas laughs at this, telling Clive that servitude is man's true calling. By giving up what harms them, mankind can enter into a new age, if they would only be willing to serve. Clive rejects this premise and enters into battle with the last king.

As the battle rages, Barnabas becomes filled with joy. It has been a long time since he faced a true rival, and he intends to revel in the spur of action for as long as possible. However, his arrogance leaves him open, allowing Clive to land a critical blow against the king, defeating him. As Barnabas lays bloody and broken on the ground, Clive approaches to deliver the final blow against the mighty Odin.

However, Clive feels pity for the brainwashed king and begins to walk away, content to leave Barnabas to bleed out in the rain. As he leaves, Barnabas grabs Clive by the ankle, stating that he still needs to make the prince presentable. Against Clive’s will, Barnabas transfers the powers of Odin onto him, telling Clive to go and meet his destiny before dying on the cliff edge.

Once Barnabas fades away, Clive is taunted by Ultima. The mysterious voice asks how it feels to feasts upon his rivals and to absorb their powers. He tells Clive that every step he has taken has only led him closer to his destiny. Ultima instructs Clive to meet him upon the back of the first wyrm, here all things will end and begin again.

Meanwhile, in Ran’dellah, the city has come under attack via an army of Akashic. Lord Byron runs through the city streets in search of Eugen Havel, to gain his support in the war effort. As they fight the Akashic, they are saved by Prince Dion and his dragoons. Dion informs Lord Byron that he will send his dragoons to help Clive in his pursuits, wanting to repay his debt to the Phoenix.

He then tells Terrence to deliver a large sack of gold to the girl who saved his life in the village. Terrence protests but Dion states that if he is ever to regain the trust of his people, he must repay those that have helped him. However, Terrence knows that this is also to keep him away from the front lines. He follows his command and leaves the keep in tears wondering if he will ever see his lover alive again.

Back in Eistle, the brothers make their way to the capital to deal with Ultima. Joshua explains what he has learned about Ultima’s plan, he explains that Ultima seeks to use their combined form and his vessel. However, Joshua is unsure why he would require such a vessel when he is already so powerful. He speculates that Ultima may be planning to cast a powerful spell that requires a physical body. Without anything else to go on, the two brothers head to Stonhyrr to destroy the last remaining Mothercrystal.

Working their way through the castle, Clive and Joshua quickly find themselves overpowered. Fearing for their lives, Clive prepares to summon Ifrit against his brother's wishes. However, before he does so, Prince Dion and Jill arrive via Mid’s boat to assist them in their goals. Now better equipped, the group enters the fortress to confront Ultima.

However, before they can enter the keep, Ultima arrives and transports Clive, Joshua, and Torgal to another location. When they awake, the brothers find themselves in a floating castle. Ultima tells them that this rift between worlds is known as the darkness. He invites the brothers to reflect upon the sins of mankind before beckoning them forward.

Ultima leads them through the darkness, explaining his origins along the way. When the world was new, his kind was bestowed with magic. However, this magic caused a blackness to spread across the land. Having no way to fight the blight, his kind fled to an area free of the blight, leaving their physical forms behind in the process.

Once in Valisthea, Ulitma’s race thought themselves safe, but the blight continued to follow them. They decided to use powerful magic to create the world anew but lacked the fortitude and Aether to do so. So, they created the Mothercrystals to capture the Aether and Ultima created mankind in the hopes of procuring a vessel strong enough to cast the spell.

After creating mankind, Ultima and the others went into a deep slumber. In their absence, mankind searched for meaning in their lives. Not finding their creators, they looked inward and gave themselves purpose. Having created his own will, mankind decided that they wanted more. So, wars and murder were committed to obtain more and more Aether.

Delving deeper into the darkness, Clive and Joshua discover one of Ultima’s discarded vessels, Ultima Prime. Seeing his potential fate before him, Clive attempts to become Ifrit. However, Ultima quickly snuffs out his flames. Unable to conjure their more powerful forms, the brothers engage Ultima as men.

When they strike him down, Ultima seems pleased. He tells Clive that they have waited countless generations for such a powerful vessel to be born. He then pushes Clive into his own mind, presenting him with visions in an attempt to get him to give up and abandon his will. Luckily, his Phoenix feather allows Joshua to intercept these visions and bring Clive back to the darkness.

Ultima watches all of this in amazement, stating it should not have been possible for Joshua to reach his brother. He wonders if their will has become strong enough to manifest the power of creations as he does. Not giving him a chance to strike, the brothers combine their force and become Ifrit Risen, striking out Ultima with a massive fireball. Before being struck, Ultima states that the being before him is no longer Mythos but is now Logos. The force of this blow destroys the last Mothercrystal.

Chapter Seventeen: To Kill A God

Back in Twinside, Ultima appears hovering above the city. He calls upon Origin to wake up. As he does so, the city is destroyed in a bright flash and separates from the land mass. Now separated, it floats into the heavens and collects the Aether from the air. While Origin collects the Aether, the Blight is quickened by the removal of Aether from the land.

Back in the Hideaway, Clive and the others work on finding a way to Ultima’s retreat in the sky. Joshua offers to fly them via Pheonix, but Clive points out that he can barely stand let alone fly. Luckily, Prince Dion offers to summon Baphomet to take them. When Clive points out that he may lose all that he has if he transforms again, Prince Dion states that he has nothing but regret. Besides he would like to have words with Ultima. The three say goodbye to their friends and head off to their final battle, hoping to find victory instead of demise.

Riding atop Bahamut, Clive, and Joshua reach the city in the sky. Using their combined might, they attack their foe but are quickly overpowered. In the sprawl, Prince Dion absorbs a massive blow, sacrificing himself to save Clive and Joshua. As he struggles to survive, he states that he does not seek acceptance, only forgiveness. Falling to his death, Dion smiles and tells his father that his trials are over.

Joshua finds the injured body of Clive and uses his remaining strength to heal him. The two injured men limp their way through the wreckage, believing that they will soon meet their deaths. Arriving at the Nexus, they discover Ultima once again. Ultima thanks Clive for destroying the Mothercrystals, telling him that his kin have been toiling away inside of them to gather the Aether but now they can be rejoined as one.

Joshua makes the realization that he hasn’t been getting weaker, Ultima has been getting stronger with each Mothercrystal they destroy. As he tells Clive this, Ultima bursts from his chest, causing the formation of a massive wound. Each manifestation of Ultima merges into a single being, gathering an immense amount of power as he does so.

As he dies, Joshua tells Clive that faith is where they derive their power. Ultima may have absolute power, but he is alone whereas Clive has the faith of all of those who care for him and want him to return. By combining the destructive force of Ifrit and the healing power of the Pheonix, Clive may honor that faith and destroy Ultima. He then places a hand on his brother and gives him the power of the Phoenix before dying in his arms.

Clive sobs over the loss of his brother and demands that he open his eyes. His grief soon turns to rage as he cries out to the heavens. Ultima states that the incantation is complete and all that remains is to empty Clive. With a flick of his hand, he once again transports Clive to another area. However, the Phoenix feather follows him, giving Clive hope that his brother remains with him.

Ultima decides, telling Clive that it is time to give in and accept the inevitable. Clive raises his sword and swears to protect the Phoenix’s flame forever more before launching his attack. After he is unable to force Clive to submit to his will, Ultima shows his first signs of frustration. He tells Clive that he is not a god, he is merely his creation. He tells Clive that he created all of humanity and what is his is his to destroy.

Clive tells him that perhaps that was once true but now their wills are their own. As such, their flames burn on their own and they will come together to kill their god. Becoming Ifrit Risen, Clive strikes down the once mighty god. He tells Ultima that they are no longer under his control.

He believes that Ultima is frightened of humanity for he could see that they were capable of more than he could ever be, and that is why he turned his back on his creations. These comments engage Ultima, who tells Clive that he knows nothing before showing Clive his most powerful form, promising him an eternity of punishment.

Clive tells him he is happy to hear this, stating that the god has never known suffering, but humanity has. As such they know the boons that they can grant upon those who can endure. He tells the god that strife has brought humanity together and is the source of their strength before attacking Ultima once more.

Using the combined powers of the Dominants, Clive strikes down the mighty god, driving a flaming sword into his heart. As he dies, Ultima asks Clive what he believes will happen to this world without him. Clive tells the creature that he doesn’t know but he believes that it will be filled with suffering.

Confused by this, Ultima asks him why he would struggle so much for more suffering. Clive responds that it is human nature, we fight, we survive, and endure. We are imperfect creatures, but we lean on each other and derive our strength from our bonds. Ultima congratulates Clive on his victory but tells him it only delayed the inevitable.

He hopes that Clive enjoys spending eternity on the blackened husk of the planet once it has been consumed by the blight. Clive says nothing as he absorbs the power from the once almighty god, leaving an empty shell in its place.

Chapter Eightteen: The Cost of Victory

Clive returns to Joshua, beginning to sob once more at the sight of his dead brother. He recalls all the sacrifices that led up to this moment and the bond that he and his brother once shared. He remembers the day that a young Joshua knighted him as the shield of the Phoenix, Clive smiling as he took on the mantle to become his brother's protector. Using the power of the Phoenix, Clive tries to heal Joshua but is unsuccessful. He soon realizes that Ultima’s power is too much for him to bear and will destroy him. He uses this power to destroy all that Ultima has built, relieving the world of Dominant and Bearers. Afterward, he awakens on a sandy beach to discover that the curse has petrified parts of his body. Knowing that he will soon be dead, he looks at the moon and asks himself if Jill can see it as well.

In the distant future, two young boys play in their yard. The mother asks if he would light the fire for the kettle. The boy agrees but laments that he wishes he had the power of an Eikon. His mother laughs and tells the boy he reads too many stories. Magic isn’t real and won’t help boil the kettle. The boy lights the fire and continues playing the war of the Eikons outside with his sibling.

This page written by: Cameron Mcfarland

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