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Last Order: Final Fantasy VII

Last Order: Final Fantasy VII logo

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After fleeing the Shinra Experimental facility, Zack carries Cloud to safety. However, as they do so, they are hunted down by Tseng and his Turk agents. As they battle one another, each group reflects on the events of Nibelheim and Sephiroth's involvement in their collective fate.

Story Summary

While fleeing to safety with a wounded Cloud, Zack is assaulted by Shinra forces. While he is able to easily dispatch them, his larger concern is the Turk agents sent to capture them. As Tseng instructs his men on how best to capture the scientific experiments, he reflects on the events of Nibelheim and how it led them here.

While on a routine mission to inspect a failed Mako reactor, Zack and Sephiroth enlist Tifa to guide them through the mountains. However, while in the town of Nibelheim, Sephiroth discovers that he was bred in a scientific experiment using genes extracted from Jenova. Confused and filled with rage, he burns the village to the ground and heads to free his mother.

During the chaos, Tifa learns that her father headed to the reactor to confront the war hero. When she reaches the reactor, she finds her father slain by Sephiroth. In a fit of rage, she attacks him but is mortally wounded in the process.

Learning of Tifa’s course of action, Zack heads to the reactor to save her. When he finds her bleeding to death on the floor, he assaults Sephiroth but is quickly beaten. However, as the mighty warrior is distracted, Cloud comes from behind and stabs him in the back. Wounded, Sephiroth flees but not before wounding Cloud in the process. While Tifa is carried away to safety, Cloud and Zack are taken by Hojo to be used in genetic experimentation.

Now free from their prison, Zack talks to an unresponsive Cloud, asking what they should do for the future. However, an overzealous Shinra guard spots them riding away and aims his sniper rifle at Cloud’s head. Sensing the danger, Zack covers Cloud with his body, hoping to protect the only friend he has left.

This page written by: Cameron Mcfarland

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