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Heavensturn seasonal event coming to Final Fantasy XIV

By: Jeff de Leon on December 26, 2023

Heavensturn seasonal event coming to Final Fantasy XIV

Heavensturn: Tip the Scales in Your Favor is Final Fantasy XIV’s seasonal New Year’s event kicking off December 31, 2023, and going till January 15, 2024.

By completing the story questline “To Be a Mascot,” players can earn the Ryunosuke minion that’s currently only available during this event. To earn your adorable, dragon-dressed Chocobo, head to the Upper Decks of Limsa Lominsa and speak to Ryu Metsuke (X:11.5, Y:13.9) when Heavensturn begins on New Year's Eve.

The Ryunosuke minion available during Heavensturn: Tip the Scales in Your Favor seasonal event.

Here’s the event background story available from the FFXIV Lodestone.

The sun shall soon rise on a new year, and the visiting Far Eastern delegation is most eager to share their Heavensturn traditions with the realm once more. To that end, the ryu metsuke and ryu bugyo have arrived in Limsa Lominsa with a charmingly costumed Chocobo chick to celebrate their draconic guardian...yet the Aftcastle remains notably quiet, and the delegates may require the aid of a capable adventurer to liven up the festivities.

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