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New Final Fantasy XI events: Starlight Celebration returns and Vana’Bout begins

By: Jeff de Leon on December 12, 2023

New Final Fantasy XI events: Starlight Celebration returns and Vana’Bout begins

The December update has kicked off a couple of in-game events running through December. It’s a great time to earn some holiday-themed rewards and contribute to a community goal.

The Starlight Celebration

The Starlight Celebration is back in Final Fantasy XI! The holiday event runs until December 31 and features several holiday minigames and quests scattered around Vana'diel.

Participate and earn rewards like a new sitting emote and other holiday-themed gifts. Just exchange gift tokens earned with a festival Moogle to get your seasonal rewards. You can find more details on the event–including quest information and the locations of festival Moogles–on the Final Fantasy XI news page.

New Vana’Bout community event

Vana’Bout is a new, large-scale event that’ll take Final Fantasy XI’s global community of players to achieve a common goal. Specifically, players have until December 25 to meet the Round 1 “plaudits” goal of more than 16 million to earn additional rewards that will be added to the usual monthly campaigns.

Earning plaudits can also earn players personal rewards. The personal rewards are broken up into Bronze, Silver, and Gold reward tiers, and a new reward can be picked out for each tier completed.

So, the big question: How do you earn plaudits for the event? Just select “Special Events“ from the Records of Eminence objectives list and complete the objective. The number of plaudits earned is based on how much a player contributes to the total objective. That’s it!

Round 1 of Vana’Bout is happening right now. At the time of writing, the community has collected 215,150 plaudits out of the total goal of 16,275,000. There’s a lot of work to be done, so get on it! Check out the official event page for more details.

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