This past spring a Kabuki adaptation of Final Fantasy X titled "New Final Fantasy X Kabuki" was performed at the Stage Around Tokyo. Today the Kinoshita Group along with Square Enix have announced that, for a limited time, they will be releasing a recorded stream of the Kabuki performance for fans all around the world to watch. The show will be available from July 19 to October 31, 2023 and will run in 2 parts with a total run time of just under 6 hours. The tickets are going to cost 4,000 yen for both parts of the show, and don't worry if you don't speak Japanese because there will be English subtitles available with the videos. If you're interested in seeing this Kabuki adaptation of the very popular Final Fantasy X's story head over to the official site for further details and a link to buy your tickets.
Final Fantasy X Kabuki show to be streamed worldwide
By: Matthew on July 24, 2023