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Welcoming Cameron to the Final Fantasy Team.

By: Matthew on May 2, 2024

Welcoming Cameron  to the Final Fantasy Team.

Hello everyone and welcome to another posting about what we have been doing behind the scenes here at Final Fantasy Samina has been diligently gathering a lot of nice information about a lot of different things which we have been storing in a “To Do” queue just waiting to get up on the site as different media get their sections created and the appropriate page template made to display all this nice information, I would say right now there are about a dozen sets of information in the queue just waiting to get published. Unfortunately, most of that waiting is due to a lack of time on my (Matthew) part. Last month saw the finishing of my school semester in college so there was a lot of time taken away from me to ensure I was getting the grades I needed and studying for finals. Thankfully that is all over with and I have about 4 months off from school so I can get back on the site and dedicate even more time before bringing all this information to you.

One of the big things I made sure to do last month was to bring on a new team member for content writing. The first team member I was testing out, and as mentioned in the last update, did not work out but that did allow me to meet Cameron and work with them a bit to see if they are a good fit for the team.

So it is with great pleasure that I would like to welcome Cameron Mcfarland as the newest member of the team. Cameron is a talented writer and has already started to create some great content for the site around Final Fantasy VII Remake. You can look forward to seeing a lot of new content coming up very soon from Cameron.

With the team fleshed out and the summer finally upon us I am excited to see what growth and expansion we can make over the coming months to bring fans of the franchise all the information they could want about their favorite games. This is a large task, but I believe the team is more than up to the challenge to take it on. We all hope that you will keep coming by and learning more about your favorite Final Fantasy media and watching us grow.

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