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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth ESRB rating refuels theories about Aerith’s fate

By: Jeff de Leon on November 14, 2023

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth ESRB rating refuels theories about Aerith’s fate

The ESRB rating for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth was released this week, and while the “T for Teen” label shouldn’t surprise anyone, the internet has certainly gone full send on speculating about some of the descriptions used in the official rating summary.

Obviously, one of the bigger questions surrounding Rebirth is what the fate of Aerith will be. Arguably one of the most infamous deaths in gaming history, Aerith didn’t make it passed disc one in the original Final Fantasy VII after ending up on the wrong side of Sephiroth’s Masamune. With the rating summary specifically calling out “characters impaled” by sword and “pools of blood,” Aerith fans can’t help but notice how much this sounds a lot like the death scene that’s haunted them for more than two decades.

However, don’t be so quick to write her off. At this year’s Thailand Game Show, Rebirth director Naoki Hamaguchi shared a crumb of insight into this tragic scene. In a translated interview with Gamebrott, an Indonesian gaming site, Hamaguchi confirmed that gamers can look forward to a “big surprise” at that point in the game. So, does the ESRB rating confirm that the same cruel fate awaits Aerith in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, or does Hamaguchi’s words inspire a sense of hope for our favorite flower girl? We only have to wait a few more months to find out when Final Fantasy VII Rebirth launches on February 29, 2024.

Perhaps referencing Costa del Sol, the ESRB summary for FF7 Rebirth also mentions "bodacious beach bods."

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