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How "Chocoboutiques" impact Chocobo racing in FFVII Rebirth

By: Jeff de Leon on November 27, 2023

How "Chocoboutiques" impact Chocobo racing in FFVII Rebirth

The Final Fantasy VII Rebirth team took to socials over the holiday weekend and released more details on new Chocobo features coming in the highly anticipated sequel. “Chocoboutiques” are headed to Chocobo ranches, giving players the chance to customize their feathered friends’ equipment and colors.

How the customization works and what exactly can be customized is still unknown; however, they also revealed that the Chocobo gear you use isn’t just for aesthetics. Like a star athlete’s chosen footwear, equipped Chocobo gear will also impact their performance in Chocobo races. Couple that with what the game’s director, Naoki Hamaguchi, mentioned in an interview with IGN about “copious amounts of hours” that could be spent in Chocobo racing, and you get the sense that ardent fans of the classic in-game sport are going to be spending a lot of time optimizing their mount gear.

Don’t worry, Chocobo fans. We’ll be hitting the Gold Saucer track soon enough because we’re officially only 94 days away from the launch of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth on February 29, 2024.

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