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New alliance raid Easter egg punishes flirtatious Final Fantasy XIV players

By: Jeff de Leon on October 16, 2023

New alliance raid Easter egg punishes flirtatious Final Fantasy XIV players

You’ll rue the day you made a move on the god Llymlaen in the third and final Myths of the Realm alliance raid, Thaleia. Players have discovered that using the /blowkiss emote on the realm’s watcher of the seas and goddess of navigation during combat will get you a special voice line along with massive damage that leaves you stunned.

The key is to use the emote on the targeted boss while she’s not casting. Get the timing right and players will be smitten with “Navigator’s Dagger,” an attack that stuns instantly and brings the target down to 1 HP.

“Navigator’s Dagger” has been discovered to be a Final Fantasy XIV fishing lore reference. The attack shares the name of a big fish whose capture is required to complete the quest that introduces the fishing feature. It’s also storied among the realm’s fishermen that these pointed fish are the knives thrown by Llymlaen to punish her enemies.

Unfortunately for Llymlaen, the discovery of the Easter egg now has players all over Eorzea blowing her kisses for kicks. Try at your own risk.

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