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Supporting the Team

Final Fantasy and its parent Game Info Site are currently 100% self-funded by its founder, and like everything these days it is expensive to run. We do our best to bring you as in-depth information as we can regarding the different media in the Final Fantasy series. However, we must dedicate a lot of time to other jobs and projects to help pay our bills as well as the bills of this site. We hope that we can start to dedicate more time and resources to building this site and making it even better.

To accomplish this, we will need the help of our visitors and fans such as yourself. With this hope in mind, we are asking for your support of the site and its team in a few different ways. We will break down each way we are trying to support this project and how you can help. Your support is not mandatory, but we simply ask that if you enjoy the work we have done and would like to see more you kindly consider our request for help. So, from all of us here at Game Info Sites, thank you!

Ko-Fi Donations

We have partnered up with Ko-fi to create a donation page where you can leave either a one-time or a monthly recurring donation for us. With Ko-fi you can directly support the team with as little as $1.00 to as much as you feel comfortable donating. All donations first and foremost go to covering the direct costs of running this website and anything extra after that gets used to help cover daily costs for the team members so they can dedicate more time to working on the site. You can donate to us by clicking our "Support us on Ko-fi" banner on any page on the site.

Banner Ads

Ah yes, the dreaded banner ads that seem to plague every website these days. Unfortunately, running ads is a hard reality on the web as that is the most reliable way to make money to keep sites running. We use Google AdSense to run our ads and unlike many other websites, we strive to keep the ads placed in areas that we believe will have little to no impact on your usage and enjoyment of the site. We promise to never use popups, popunders, full-page ads, ads that you must view to navigate from page to page, or video ads. To keep this promise we have configured Google to not serve these types of ads. We know a lot of people hate ads as lots of sites get ruined by them, so people run ad-blockers, and we completely respect your choice to do so but we do kindly ask that you consider adding us to your exception list and give us a try. If you still think the ads ruin the site, put us back on the list and consider contacting us and letting us know. Or keep us on your list and consider donating as talked about above.

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are agreements between two entities where entity A directs people to B to make purchases and will generally get a percentage of the sale as a commotion. The nice thing about affiliate programs is the buyer does not have to pay anything extra and it gives them a nice way to get something they need or want while supporting the entity that they used the referral from. The most common program people are familiar with is the Amazon Affiliate Program which a lot of YouTube channels use to help make money. In our case, we don't have any affiliate agreements set up yet, but this is something we are actively looking into getting set up, most likely with Amazon and eBay. Once we have something set up we will update this page and make an announcement so you will have yet another easy option of supporting our work.

This page written by: Matthew

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