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Tales under the New Moon

Tales Under the New Moon is a set of four short stories created by Square Enix. These stories serve to complement the existing storyline of Final Fantasy XIV while also celebrating its 10th anniversary.

As Azure Fades

Estinien Varlineau sits in his quarters and enjoys a fine Hannis spirit. He recalls his time spent as an Azure Dragoon during the great dragonsong war. Although the war has ended, he recalls the ferocity that was required to slay the enormous Nidhogg and avenge his family. As the alcohol kicks in, he begins to slowly fade into the realm of dreams.

In this dream, Varlineau finds himself fighting a dragon. Using the power of the dreaded eye, he is able to easily defeat his foe. However, this strength comes at a great price. The eye lends him strength but also harbors the will of Nidhogg. Its corruption will consume him in time, but that is the price of being a Dragoon. He slumps against a nearby tree and rests his eyes for a moment.

Varlineau awakes lying on the floor of a tavern. He noticed a young girl and an older man hovering over him. When the man refers to him as Lord Haldrath, Varlineau realizes he must be experiencing a moment in the past. Lord Haldrath once slayed the great wyrm Rataoskr and gouged the eye from Nidhogg, granting the Dragoons their abilities.

The man that stands before him is Ser Aureniquart, an old warrior and friend who had given up a life of battle to run a simple tavern with his family. He introduce his daughter Berteline to and explains that she wishes to join the Temple Knights to protect her people from the Dravanian menace.

She explains that she found Lord Haldrath lying next to the corpse of a giant dragon but states that her discovery of him was odd. It was as if a voice in her mind was telling her where to go, and the voice sounded like storm winds.

Lord Haldrath tells her that this is the voice of Nidhogg. This voice calls out to those who seek power and corrupts them in the hopes of setting himself free. He exposes his breastplate, revealing the pale ye of Nidhogg, showing the group how it has fused to his body. He tells them that soon the corruption will be complete, and he will serve Nidhogg as his puppet.

Lord Halrath turns to his friend and asks him for the gift of death. Ser Aureniquart refuses at first but relents when he realizes the destruction that would befall the land if Nidhogg were to be freed. He turns to Berteline and tells her that he is entrusting her with the curse of Nidhogg and that she will one day have to pass the curse on to another someday.

With heavy hearts, Ser Aureniquart and Berteline pierce Lord Haldrath’s heart with his lance, relieving him of his curse and allowing him to rest in piece.

Estinien awakes in his room flustered by what he has witnessed. He wonders to himself about the message of this vision and why he is witnessing it now. He looks over the peaceful streets of Radz-at-Han and thanks Lord Haldrath for his sacrifice.

Bringer of Shadow, Bringer of Light

Thancred Waters walks carefully through the streets of the Garlean Empire. Making sure not to be seen, he quickly exits the city via the backroads. However, as soon as he leaves the city, he is attacked by an assassin. Unfortunately for the assassin, Waters kills him with a single quick blow. The assassin's black attire identifies him as a reaper. The sight of this bloody reaper makes Waters think of his past and his dealings with General Ran’jit.

Thancred had once been tasked with rescuing Minfilia from her prison in Eulmore. To accomplish this goal, Thancred knew he would need to learn as much about her capturer, General Ran’Jit, as possible. His research uncovered a shadow organization that utilized forbidden magicks to complete their tasks.

A century before Thancred set out on his task, this group was lead by a man named Zal’Bard. This leader came to visit Eulmore seeking an audience with the town's mayor. However, as these two negotiated, the city was attacked by sin eaters. This unforeseen danger forced Zal’Bard to join his forces with the city guard to stop this terrible threat.

After staying in the city for twelve years, Zal’Bard had a son who he named Ran’jit. In another part of the kingdom, it was discovered that a young girl named Minfilia was immune to the sin eater's corruption. Knowing that this talent could change the outcome of this terrible war, Zal’bard sent for the girl and began training her himself.

After years of training, the group headed to the battlefield with the hopes of defeating the sin eaters once and for all. After a perilous battle, Zal’Bard was able to slay the leader of the sin eaters, known only as the Lightwarden. However, this action triggered a horrible curse upon Zal’Bard. For whoever kills a Lightwarden transforms into a new Lightwarden themselves.

After returning to the town, the leaders of the group came up with a new plan. If Minfilia was immune to the influence of the sin eater’s corruption, maybe she would be immune from the curse eater as well. Unfortunately, they were never able to try this idea as Minfilia died on the battlefield shortly after this plan was conceived. However, before she died, she informed Zal’Bard that she would be born again somewhere else in the kingdom.

The new version of Minfilia was discovered three years later. While she appeared the same as the previous version, she lacked the battle prowess and training of her former self. As such, she died before reaching her tenth battle against the sin eaters. This cycle would continue for decades before Eulmore came under the rule of Vauthry.

Vauthry had the power to control the sin eaters and had no wish to destroy them. He tasked Ran’jit with finding the new incarnation of Minfilia and imprisoning her so that she would never threaten his evil army again. Ran’jit followed his orders until his death at the age of 88. His body was found lying before the graves of the Minfilia that he had trained throughout his life.

In Storm’s Wake

G’raha Tia was enjoying their afternoon lunch when they were interrupted by Krile. She handed him an unnamed letter that had arrived for him. Curious, he opened the letter and scanned its contents. G’raha was alarmed to see that this letter was an invitation for a private audience with Lord Hien. Deciding that he could not refuse an invitation from a lord, G’raha packed his things and set off for the meeting.

Upon entering the Doman Enclave, G’raha was greeted by a Lupin named Hakuro. The Lupin led him to a large building that had belonged to the Enclave’s magistrate while the land was under occupation but had since been repurposed into Lord Hien’s home. G’raha did his best to keep calm and remember the far east customs he had learned.

Once inside, G’raha was introduced to Lord Hien. Although they had met before, G’raha was still impressed by Lord Hien’s tower presence and rugged demeanor. After exchanging the normal pleasantries, Lord Hien delves into the reason he requested G’raha’s presence.

A meeting between the local leaders had been called and Lord Hien would like G’raha to fill him in on the history of the lands and their people. G’raha states that he knows very little about these affairs but will do his best to help the lord in any way he can.

Five thousand years ago, the land here belonged to the Corvosi and Garlean. After years of fighting, the Garleans were frigid northern wasteland and banished from their lands for over 800 years. Around sixty years ago, the emperor of the Garlean, Solus zos Galvus, discovered the power of magitek and used it to revolutionize their military.

With this new power, the Garlean empire was able to quickly decimate the Corvosi forces and reclaim their homeland. After brutally defeating their foes, they took their lands and wiped their names from the historical record.

Lord Hien stares at the wooden floors and remembers life under the Corvosi occupation. Children born without imperial citizenship were treated as savages not worthy of fair treatment. The only way for them to receive citizenship is to join the military. However, this would mark them as traitors and oppressors of their own kind.

Sensing his frustration, G’raha offers the lord some comfort by informing him how historians view the world. He states that historians don’t look at the history of a nation. Instead, they focus on the histories of the people that live within a nation.

This insight shocked Lord Hien, who burst out into laughter. In better spirits, Lord Hien invites G’raha to dine with him, sharing some wisdom of his own. He informs G’raha that there is no better way to understand a group of people than to dine on their delicacies.

A Legacy of Hope

Amelieance prepared a chamber for her new exchange student from Thavnair. While rearranging furniture, she discovered an old desk with a drawer that refused to close. Buried within the drawer, she found a journal belonging to her husband, Alphinaud. She gleefully opened the journal and began reading.

It begins in 1572, the last year of the Sixth Astral Era. During this time, Alphinaud Leveilleur finds himself incredibly bored. He has been accepted into the Stadium, but he is not yet old enough to become a student.

As he wandered aimlessly, he happened upon his father in the great hall. Alphinaud's father was engaged in an inspection, and much to Alphinaud's enjoyment, he allowed the boy to help him. His father took him to Rostra, where the Forum held secretive meetings.

After passing through security, the two take a lift to an underground facility built over a dormant volcano. This artificial ecosystem houses every species of plant life on the planet. This building featured an artificial sun and wind turbines, making it indistinguishable from the outside world. Alphinaud notes that his father seems filled with more life and passion in this environment.

As they prepared to leave, Alphinaud's mother appeared behind them and suggested they all join for a picnic. Unable to refuse her demands, the family ate a beautiful meal with the other plant researchers.

Ameliance finished reading the journal and reflected on what she had read. Alphinaud made a vow on this day. "The flames of hope yet burn bright, and I shall not see them smothered." And although he was just a child when he made this promise, he always ensured that he kept it.

This page written by: Cameron Mcfarland

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